// Import Modules import { DS4Actor } from "./actor/actor"; import { DS4ActorSheet } from "./actor/actor-sheet"; import { DS4Item } from "./item/item"; import { DS4ItemSheet } from "./item/item-sheet"; import { DS4 } from "./config"; Hooks.once("init", async function () { console.log(`DS4 | Initializing the DS4 Game System\n${DS4.ASCII}`); game.ds4 = { DS4Actor, DS4Item, DS4, }; // Record configuration CONFIG.DS4 = DS4; // Define custom Entity classes CONFIG.Actor.entityClass = DS4Actor as typeof Actor; CONFIG.Item.entityClass = DS4Item as typeof Item; // Register sheet application classes Actors.unregisterSheet("core", ActorSheet); Actors.registerSheet("ds4", DS4ActorSheet, { makeDefault: true }); Items.unregisterSheet("core", ItemSheet); Items.registerSheet("ds4", DS4ItemSheet, { makeDefault: true }); registerHandlebarsPartials(); }); async function registerHandlebarsPartials() { const templatePaths = [ "systems/ds4/templates/item/partials/description.hbs", "systems/ds4/templates/item/partials/details.hbs", "systems/ds4/templates/item/partials/effects.hbs", "systems/ds4/templates/item/partials/body.hbs", "systems/ds4/templates/actor/partials/items-overview.hbs", "systems/ds4/templates/actor/partials/attributes-traits.hbs", "systems/ds4/templates/actor/partials/combat-values.hbs", ]; return loadTemplates(templatePaths); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ /* Foundry VTT Setup */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ /** * This function runs after game data has been requested and loaded from the servers, so entities exist */ Hooks.once("setup", function () { // Localize CONFIG objects once up-front const toLocalize = [ "attackTypes", "itemAvailabilities", "itemTypes", "armorTypes", "armorTypesAbbr", "armorMaterialTypes", "armorMaterialTypesAbbr", "armorMaterialTypes", "attributes", "traits", "combatValues", "baseInfo", "progression", ]; // Exclude some from sorting where the default order matters const noSort = ["attributes", "traits", "combatValues"]; // Localize and sort CONFIG objects for (const o of toLocalize) { const localized = Object.entries(CONFIG.DS4[o]).map((e) => { return [e[0], game.i18n.localize(e[1] as string)]; }); if (!noSort.includes(o)) localized.sort((a, b) => a[1].localeCompare(b[1])); CONFIG.DS4[o] = localized.reduce((obj, e) => { obj[e[0]] = e[1]; return obj; }, {}); } });