{{!-- TODO: hover shows complete name of abbreviations --}} {{!-- TODO: Where possible use icons with complete names as hovers instead of long names --}} {{!-- Tab with overview and quick-actions on owned items --}}
{{!-- WEAPONS --}}

{{localize "DS4.ItemTypeWeapon"}}

{{!-- SPECIFIC --}}
  1. {{!-- equipped --}} {{!-- SPECIFIC --}}
    {{!-- amount --}}
    {{localize "DS4.ItemName"}}
    {{localize "DS4.AttackTypeAbbr"}}
    {{!-- SPECIFIC --}}
    {{localize "DS4.WeaponBonusAbbr"}}
    {{!-- SPECIFIC --}}
    {{localize "DS4.OpponentDefenseAbbr"}}
    {{!-- SPECIFIC --}}
    {{localize "DS4.Description"}}
    {{!-- add button --}}
  2. {{#each itemsByType.weapon as |item id|}} {{!-- SPECIFIC --}} {{#with item.data.data as |itemData|}}
  3. {{!-- equipped? --}} {{#if itemData.equipped}} {{else}} {{/if}} {{!--SPECIFIC --}} {{!-- image --}}
    {{!-- amount --}}
    {{!-- name --}}


    {{!-- item specifics --}}
    {{lookup ../../config.attackTypes itemData.attackType}}
    {{!-- SPECIFIC --}}
    {{!-- SPECIFIC --}}
    {{!-- SPECIFIC --}}
    {{!-- description --}}
    {{!-- edit & delete buttons --}}
  4. {{/with}} {{/each}}
{{!-- ARMOR --}}

{{localize "DS4.ItemTypeArmor"}}

{{!-- SPECIFIC --}}
  1. {{!-- equipped --}} {{!-- SPECIFIC --}}
    {{!-- amount --}}
    {{localize "DS4.ItemName"}}
    {{localize "DS4.ArmorMaterialTypeAbbr"}}
    {{!-- SPECIFIC --}}
    {{localize "DS4.ArmorTypeAbbr"}}
    {{!-- SPECIFIC --}}
    {{localize "DS4.ArmorValueAbbr"}}
    {{!-- SPECIFIC --}}
    {{localize "DS4.Description"}}
    {{!-- add button --}}
  2. {{#each itemsByType.armor as |item id|}} {{!-- SPECIFIC --}} {{#with item.data.data as |itemData|}}
  3. {{!-- equipped? --}} {{#if itemData.equipped}} {{else}} {{/if}} {{!--SPECIFIC --}} {{!-- image --}}
    {{!-- amount --}}
    {{!-- name --}}


    {{!-- item specifics --}}
    {{lookup ../../config.armorMaterialTypes itemData.armorMaterialType}}
    {{!-- SPECIFIC --}}
    {{lookup ../../config.armorTypes itemData.armorType}}
    {{!-- SPECIFIC --}}
    {{!-- SPECIFIC --}} {{!-- description --}}
    {{!-- edit & delete buttons --}}
  4. {{/with}} {{/each}}
{{!-- SHIELD --}}

{{localize "DS4.ItemTypeShield"}}

{{!-- SPECIFIC --}}
  1. {{!-- equipped --}} {{!-- SPECIFIC --}}
    {{!-- amount --}}
    {{localize "DS4.ItemName"}}
    {{localize "DS4.ArmorValueAbbr"}}
    {{!-- SPECIFIC --}}
    {{localize "DS4.Description"}}
    {{!-- add button --}}
  2. {{#each itemsByType.shield as |item id|}} {{!-- SPECIFIC --}} {{#with item.data.data as |itemData|}}
  3. {{!-- equipped? --}} {{#if itemData.equipped}} {{else}} {{/if}} {{!--SPECIFIC --}} {{!-- image --}}
    {{!-- amount --}}
    {{!-- name --}}


    {{!-- item specifics --}}
    {{!-- SPECIFIC --}} {{!-- description --}}
    {{!-- edit & delete buttons --}}
  4. {{/with}} {{/each}}
{{!-- TRINKET --}}

{{localize "DS4.ItemTypeTrinket"}}

{{!-- SPECIFIC --}}
  1. {{!-- equipped --}} {{!-- SPECIFIC --}}
    {{!-- amount --}}
    {{localize "DS4.ItemName"}}
    {{localize "DS4.StorageLocation"}}
    {{!-- SPECIFIC --}}
    {{localize "DS4.Description"}}
    {{!-- add button --}}
  2. {{#each itemsByType.trinket as |item id|}} {{!-- SPECIFIC --}} {{#with item.data.data as |itemData|}}
  3. {{!-- equipped? --}} {{#if itemData.equipped}} {{else}} {{/if}} {{!--SPECIFIC --}} {{!-- image --}}
    {{!-- amount --}}
    {{!-- name --}}


    {{!-- storage location --}}
    {{!-- SPECIFIC --}} {{!-- description --}}
    {{!-- edit & delete buttons --}}
  4. {{/with}} {{/each}}
{{!-- EQUIPMENT --}}

{{localize "DS4.ItemTypeEquipment"}}

{{!-- SPECIFIC --}}
  1. #
    {{!-- amount --}}
    {{localize "DS4.ItemName"}}
    {{localize "DS4.StorageLocation"}}
    {{!-- SPECIFIC --}}
    {{localize "DS4.Description"}}
    {{!-- add button --}}
  2. {{#each itemsByType.equipment as |item id|}} {{!-- SPECIFIC --}} {{#with item.data.data as |itemData|}}
  3. {{!-- image --}}
    {{!-- amount --}}
    {{!-- name --}}


    {{!-- storage location --}}
    {{!-- SPECIFIC --}} {{!-- description --}}
    {{!-- edit & delete buttons --}}
  4. {{/with}} {{/each}}