{{!-- Sheet Header --}}

{{!-- The grid classes are defined in scss/global/_grid.scss. To use, use both the "grid" and "grid-Ncol" class where "N" can be any number from 1 to 12 and will create that number of columns. --}}
{{!-- "flex-group-center" is also defined in the _grid.scss file and it will add a small amount of padding, a border, and will center all of its child elements content and text. --}}
+ = {{data.attributes.body.total}}
+ = {{data.attributes.mobility.total}}
+ = {{data.attributes.mind.total}}
+ = {{data.traits.strength.total}}
+ = {{data.traits.agility.total}}
+ = {{data.traits.intellect.total}}
+ = {{data.traits.constitution.total}}
+ = {{data.traits.dexterity.total}}
+ = {{data.traits.aura.total}}
{{!-- Sheet Tab Navigation --}} {{!-- Sheet Body --}}
{{!-- Biography Tab --}}
{{editor content=data.biography target="data.biography" button=true owner=owner editable=editable}}
{{!-- Items Tab --}} {{> systems/ds4/templates/actor/partials/items-overview.hbs}}