#!/usr/bin/env node const {existsSync} = require(`fs`); const {createRequire, createRequireFromPath} = require(`module`); const {resolve, dirname} = require(`path`); const relPnpApiPath = "../../../.pnp.js"; const absPnpApiPath = resolve(__dirname, relPnpApiPath); const absRequire = (createRequire || createRequireFromPath)(absPnpApiPath); if (existsSync(absPnpApiPath)) { if (!process.versions.pnp) { // Setup the environment to be able to require prettier/index.js require(absPnpApiPath).setup(); } const pnpifyResolution = require.resolve(`@yarnpkg/pnpify`, {paths: [dirname(absPnpApiPath)]}); if (typeof global[`__yarnpkg_sdk_is_using_pnpify__`] === `undefined`) { Object.defineProperty(global, `__yarnpkg_sdk_is_using_pnpify__`, {configurable: true, value: true}); process.env.NODE_OPTIONS += ` -r ${pnpifyResolution}`; // Apply PnPify to the current process absRequire(pnpifyResolution).patchFs(); } } // Defer to the real prettier/index.js your application uses module.exports = absRequire(`prettier/index.js`);