{ "name": "ds4", "title": "Dungeonslayers 4", "description": "The Dungeonslayers 4 system for FoundryVTT. Dungeonslayers by Christian Kennig is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/). The icons by the authors of Game-icons.net are licensed under CC BY 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).", "version": "1.1.0", "minimumCoreVersion": "0.8.8", "compatibleCoreVersion": "0.8.8", "templateVersion": 6, "author": "Johannes Loher, Gesina Schwalbe, Oliver Rümpelein, Siegfried Krug, Max Tharr, Sascha Martens", "authors": [ { "name": "Johannes Loher", "email": "johannes.loher@fg4f.de" }, { "name": "Gesina Schwalbe", "email": "gesina.schwalbe@pheerai.de" }, { "name": "Oliver Rümpelein", "email": "foundryvtt@pheerai.de" }, { "name": "Siegfried Krug", "email": "foundryvtt@asdil1991.de" }, { "name": "Max Tharr" }, { "name": "Sascha Martens" } ], "esmodules": ["module/ds4.js"], "styles": ["css/ds4.css"], "scripts": [], "packs": [ { "name": "special-creature-abilities", "label": "Besondere Kreaturenfähigkeiten (GRW)", "system": "ds4", "module": "ds4", "path": "./packs/special-creature-abilities.db", "entity": "Item" }, { "name": "languages-and-scripts", "label": "Sprachen und Schriftzeichen (GRW)", "system": "ds4", "module": "ds4", "path": "./packs/languages-and-scripts.db", "entity": "Item" }, { "name": "equipment", "label": "Gegenstände (GRW)", "system": "ds4", "module": "ds4", "path": "./packs/items.db", "entity": "Item" }, { "name": "spells", "label": "Zauber (GRW)", "system": "ds4", "module": "ds4", "path": "./packs/spells.db", "entity": "Item" } ], "languages": [ { "lang": "en", "name": "English", "path": "lang/en.json" }, { "lang": "de", "name": "Deutsch", "path": "lang/de.json" } ], "gridDistance": 1, "gridUnits": "m", "primaryTokenAttribute": "combatValues.hitPoints", "url": "https://git.f3l.de/dungeonslayers/ds4", "manifest": "https://git.f3l.de/dungeonslayers/ds4/-/raw/latest/src/system.json?inline=false", "download": "https://git.f3l.de/dungeonslayers/ds4/-/jobs/artifacts/1.1.0/download?job=build", "license": "https://git.f3l.de/dungeonslayers/ds4#licensing", "initiative": "@combatValues.initiative.total", "manifestPlusVersion": "1.0.0", "bugs": "https://git.f3l.de/dungeonslayers/ds4/-/issues" }