// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Johannes Loher // // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import { getGame } from "./utils/utils"; export function registerSystemSettings() { const game = getGame(); /** * Track the migration version of the latest migration that has been applied. */ game.settings.register("ds4", "systemMigrationVersion", { name: "System Migration Version", scope: "world", config: false, type: Number, default: -1, }); game.settings.register("ds4", "useSlayingDiceForAutomatedChecks", { name: "DS4.SettingUseSlayingDiceForAutomatedChecksName", hint: "DS4.SettingUseSlayingDiceForAutomatedChecksHint", scope: "world", config: true, type: Boolean, default: false, }); game.settings.register("ds4", "showSlayerPoints", { name: "DS4.SettingShowSlayerPointsName", hint: "DS4.SettingShowSlayerPointsHint", scope: "world", config: true, type: Boolean, default: false, }); } /** * @typedef DS4Settings * @property {number} systemMigrationVersion * @property {boolean} useSlayingDiceForAutomatedChecks * @property {boolean} showSlayerPoints */ /** * Get the current values for DS4 settings. * @returns {DS4Settings} */ export function getDS4Settings() { const game = getGame(); return { systemMigrationVersion: game.settings.get("ds4", "systemMigrationVersion"), useSlayingDiceForAutomatedChecks: game.settings.get("ds4", "useSlayingDiceForAutomatedChecks"), showSlayerPoints: game.settings.get("ds4", "showSlayerPoints"), }; }