{{!-- TODO: Refactor to avoid code duplication with special-creature-abilites-overview and talents-overview --}} {{!-- ======================================================================== --}} {{!-- INLINE PARTIAL DEFINITIONS --}} {{!-- ======================================================================== --}} {{!-- !-- Render the given partial block only if the given itemsArray has length > 0, !-- else only an add button. !-- !-- @param itemsArray: the array with the items to check the length of !-- @param dataType: the string type of the item --}} {{#*inline "ifHasItemOfType"}} {{#if (and (ne itemsArray undefined) (gt itemsArray.length 0))}} {{> @partial-block}} {{/if}} {{> systems/ds4/templates/actor/partials/overview-add-button.hbs dataType=dataType }} {{/inline}} {{!-- ======================================================================== --}} {{!-- WEAPONS --}}