SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Johannes Loher

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

!-- Render an image that has a dice overlay image.
!-- @param rollable: A flag indicating whether or not the image is actually rollable.
!-- @param rollableClass: The CSS class(es) to add if the image is rollable.
!-- @param title: The title for the rollable image if it is not actually rollable.
!-- @param rollableTitle: The title for the rollable image if it is rollable.
!-- @param src: The path to the image.
!-- @param alt: An alternate text for the image.
<div class="ds4-rollable-image{{#if rollable}} ds4-rollable-image--rollable {{rollableClass}}{{/if}}"
    title="{{#if rollable}}{{rollableTitle}}{{else}}{{title}}{{/if}}">
    {{#if src}}
    <img class="ds4-rollable-image__image" alt="{{alt}}" src="{{src}}" />
    {{#if rollable}}
    <img class="ds4-rollable-image__overlay" alt="{{localize 'DS4.DiceOverlayImageAltText'}}"
        src="icons/svg/d20-black.svg" />