{{!-- ======================================================================== --}} {{!-- INLINE PARTIAL DEFINITIONS --}} {{!-- ======================================================================== --}} {{!-- TODO: remove duplicate add and delete button definition --}} {{!-- !-- Render an "add" button for a given data type. !-- !-- @param datType: hand over the dataType to the partial as hash parameter --}} {{#*inline "addItemButton"}}
{{localize 'DS4.UserInteractionAddItem'}}
{{/inline}} {{!-- !-- Render a group of an "edit" and a "delete" button for the current item. !-- The current item is defined by the data-item-id HTML property of the parent li element. --}} {{#*inline "itemControlButtons"}}
{{/inline}} {{#*inline "talentRankValue"}} {{/inline}} {{!-- !-- Render a talent list row from a given item. !-- It is a flexbox with a child for each item value of interest. !-- The partial assumes a variable item to be given in the context. !-- !-- @param item: hand over the item to the partial as hash parameter !-- @param partial-block: hand over custom children of the flexbox in the partial block. --}} {{#*inline "talentListEntry"}}
  • {{!-- image --}}
    {{!-- name --}}
    {{!-- acquired rank --}} {{> talentRankValue item=item property='base' localizeString='DS4.TalentRankBase'}} ( of {{!-- maximum acquirable rank --}} {{> talentRankValue item=item property='max' localizeString='DS4.TalentRankMax'}} ) + {{!-- additional ranks --}} {{> talentRankValue item=item property='mod' localizeString='DS4.TalentRankMod'}} = {{!-- derived total rank --}} {{> talentRankValue item=item property='total' localizeString='DS4.TalentRankTotal' disabled='disabled'}}
    {{!-- description --}}
    {{!-- control buttons --}} {{> itemControlButtons}}
  • {{/inline}} {{!-- ======================================================================== --}}
    1. {{!-- image --}}
      {{!-- name --}}
      {{localize 'DS4.ItemName'}}
      {{!-- rank info --}}
      {{localize 'DS4.TalentRank'}}
      {{!-- description --}}
      {{localize 'DS4.HeadingDescription'}}
      {{!-- add button --}} {{> addItemButton dataType='talent' }}
    2. {{#each itemsByType.talent as |item id|}} {{> talentListEntry item=item}} {{/each}}