export const DS4 = { // ASCII Artwork ASCII: `_____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____ _ _ _ _ ____ _____ ___ _ _ ____ _ _ __ _______ ____ ____ _ _ | _ \\| | | | \\ | |/ ___| ____/ _ \\| \\ | / ___|| | / \\\\ \\ / / ____| _ \\/ ___| | || | | | | | | | | \\| | | _| _|| | | | \\| \\___ \\| | / _ \\\\ V /| _| | |_) \\___ \\ | || |_ | |_| | |_| | |\\ | |_| | |__| |_| | |\\ |___) | |___ / ___ \\| | | |___| _ < ___) | |__ _| |____/ \\___/|_| \\_|\\____|_____\\___/|_| \\_|____/|_____/_/ \\_\\_| |_____|_| \\_\\____/ |_| =============================================================================================`, /** * Define the set of acttack types that can be performed with weapon items * @type {Object} */ attackTypes: { melee: "DS4.AttackTypeMelee", ranged: "DS4.AttackTypeRanged", meleeRanged: "DS4.AttackTypeMeleeRanged", }, /** * Define the set of item availabilties * @type {Object} */ itemAvailabilities: { hamlet: "DS4.ItemAvailabilityHamlet", village: "DS4.ItemAvailabilityVilage", city: "DS4.ItemAvailabilityCity", elves: "DS4.ItemAvailabilityElves", dwarves: "DS4.ItemAvailabilityDwarves", none: "DS4.ItemAvailabilityNone", }, /** * * Define the set of item types * @type {Object} */ itemTypes: { weapon: "DS4.ItemTypeWeapon", armor: "DS4.ItemTypeArmor", shield: "DS4.ItemTypeShield", trinket: "DS4.ItemTypeTrinket", equipment: "DS4.ItemTypeEquipment", }, /** * * Define the set of armor types, a character may only wear one item of each at any given time * @type {Object} */ armorTypes: { body: "DS4.ArmorTypeBody", helment: "DS4.ArmorTypeHelmet", vambrace: "DS4.ArmorTypeVambrace", greaves: "DS4.ArmorTypeGreaves", vambraceGreaves: "DS4.ArmorTypeVambraceGreaves", }, /** * * Define the set of armor materials, used to determine if a characer may wear the armor without additional penalties * @type {Object} */ armorMaterialTypes: { cloth: "DS4.ArmorMaterialTypeCloth", leather: "DS4.ArmorMaterialTypeLeather", chain: "DS4.ArmorMaterialTypeChain", plate: "DS4.ArmorMaterialTypePlate", }, };