import std.algorithm : filter, map, startsWith; import std.array : array, empty, front, replace; import std.conv : to; import std.datetime : dur, TimeOfDay, Clock; import std.getopt : defaultGetoptPrinter, getopt; import std.json : JSONValue; import std.regex : ctRegex, matchAll; import std.stdio : File, stdout, writeln; import std.string : strip; import std.typecons : tuple; import std.format : format; import kxml.xml : readDocument, XmlNode; import requests : postContent; import substitution; auto parseTime(in string input) { auto matches = matchAll(input, ctRegex!(`(?P\d+):(?P\d+)`)); auto actualTime = TimeOfDay(matches.front["hours"].to!int, matches.front["minutes"].to!int); matches.popFront; if (!matches.empty) { auto expectedTime = TimeOfDay(matches.front["hours"].to!int, matches.front["minutes"].to!int); return tuple(expectedTime, actualTime - expectedTime); } return tuple(actualTime, dur!"minutes"(0)); } auto getRowContents(XmlNode[] rows) { return!(row => row.parseXPath("//td")[1 .. $ - 1].map!((column) { auto link = column.parseXPath("//a"); if (!link.empty) return link.front.getCData.replace("...", ""); return column.getCData;})); } void main(string[] args) { string fileName; string busStop = "Universität Regensburg"; string substitutionFileName = "replacement.txt"; auto helpInformation = getopt(args, "file|f", "The file that the data is written to.", &fileName, "stop|s", "The bus stop for which to fetch data.", &busStop, "replacement-file|r", "The file that contais the direction name replacement info.", &substitutionFileName); if (helpInformation.helpWanted) { defaultGetoptPrinter("Some information about the program.", helpInformation.options); return; } auto content = postContent("", ["limit" : "20", "useRealtime" : "1", "name_dm" : busStop, "mode" : "direct", "type_dm" : "any", "itdLPxx_bcl" : "true"]); auto currentTime = Clock.currTime; loadSubstitutionFile(substitutionFileName); JSONValue j = ["time" : "%02s:%02s".format(currentTime.hour, currentTime.minute)]; j.object["departures"] = readDocument(cast(string) .parseXPath(`//table[@id="departureMonitor"]/tbody/tr`)[1 .. $] .getRowContents .filter!(row => !row.empty) .map!(a => ["departure" : a[0].parseTime[0].to!string[0 .. $ - 3], "delay" : a[0].parseTime[1].total!"minutes".to!string, "line" : a[1], "direction" : a[2].substitute]) .array.JSONValue; if (fileName !is null) { auto output = File(fileName, "w"); scope(exit) output.close; output.writeln(j.toPrettyString.replace("\\/", "/")); } else { j.toPrettyString.replace("\\/", "/").writeln; } }