import std.getopt : defaultGetoptPrinter, getopt; import std.stdio : File, stdout, writeln; import requests : postContent; import fahrplanparser; import substitution; void main(string[] args) { string fileName; string busStop = "Universität Regensburg"; string substitutionFileName = "replacement.txt"; auto helpInformation = getopt(args, "file|f", "The file that the data is written to.", &fileName, "stop|s", "The bus stop for which to fetch data.", &busStop, "replacement-file|r", "The file that contais the direction name replacement info.", &substitutionFileName); if (helpInformation.helpWanted) { defaultGetoptPrinter("Some information about the program.", helpInformation.options); return; } auto content = postContent("", ["limit" : "20", "useRealtime" : "1", "name_dm" : busStop, "mode" : "direct", "type_dm" : "any", "itdLPxx_bcl" : "true"]); loadSubstitutionFile(substitutionFileName); auto output = (cast(string); if (fileName !is null) { auto outfile = File(fileName, "w"); scope(exit) outfile.close; outfile.writeln(output); } else { output.writeln; } }