module calendarwebapp.authenticator; import calendarwebapp.passhash : PasswordHasher; import poodinis; import std.conv : to; import std.range : InputRange; import std.typecons : nullable, Nullable; import; import vibe.db.mongo.collection : MongoCollection; interface Authenticator { Nullable!AuthInfo checkUser(string username, string password) @safe; void addUser(AuthInfo authInfo); InputRange!AuthInfo getAllUsers(); void removeUser(string id); } class MongoDBAuthenticator(Collection = MongoCollection) : Authenticator { private: @Value("users") Collection users; @Autowire PasswordHasher passwordHasher; public: Nullable!AuthInfo checkUser(string username, string password) @safe { import botan.passhash.bcrypt : checkBcrypt; auto result = users.findOne(["username" : username]); /* checkHash should be called using vibe.core.concurrency.async to avoid blocking, but is blocking this */ if (result != Bson(null)) { auto authInfo = result.deserializeBson!AuthInfo; if (passwordHasher.checkHash(password, authInfo.passwordHash)) { return authInfo.nullable; } } return Nullable!AuthInfo.init; } void addUser(AuthInfo authInfo) @safe { import std.conv : ConvException; try { if (!BsonObjectID.fromString( throw new ConvException("invalid BsonObjectID."); } catch (ConvException) { =!string; } users.insert(authInfo.serializeToBson); } InputRange!AuthInfo getAllUsers() @safe { import std.algorithm : map; import std.range : inputRangeObject; return users.find().map!(deserializeBson!AuthInfo).inputRangeObject; } void removeUser(string id) @safe { users.remove(["_id" : id]); } } enum Privilege { None, User, Admin } class MySQLAuthenticator : Authenticator { private: import mysql; @Autowire MySQLPool pool; @Autowire PasswordHasher passwordHasher; public: Nullable!AuthInfo checkUser(string username, string password) @trusted { auto cn = pool.lockConnection(); scope (exit) cn.close(); auto prepared = cn.prepare( "SELECT id, username, passwordHash, privilege FROM users WHERE username = ?"); prepared.setArg(0, username); auto result = prepared.query(); /* checkHash should be called using vibe.core.concurrency.async to avoid blocking, but is blocking this */ if (!result.empty) { auto authInfo = toAuthInfo(result.front); if (passwordHasher.checkHash(password, authInfo.passwordHash)) { return authInfo.nullable; } } return Nullable!AuthInfo.init; } void addUser(AuthInfo authInfo) { auto cn = pool.lockConnection(); scope (exit) cn.close; auto prepared = cn.prepare( "INSERT INTO users (username, passwordHash, privilege) VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); prepared.setArgs(authInfo.username, authInfo.passwordHash,!uint); prepared.exec(); } InputRange!AuthInfo getAllUsers() { import std.algorithm : map; import std.range : inputRangeObject; auto cn = pool.lockConnection(); scope (exit) cn.close; auto prepared = cn.prepare("SELECT id, username, passwordHash, privilege FROM users"); return!(r => toAuthInfo(r)).inputRangeObject; } void removeUser(string id) { auto cn = pool.lockConnection(); scope (exit) cn.close; auto prepared = cn.prepare("DELETE FROM users WHERE id = ?"); prepared.setArg(0,!uint); prepared.exec(); } private: AuthInfo toAuthInfo(Row r) { import std.conv : to; AuthInfo authInfo; = r[0].get!!string; authInfo.username = r[1].get!string; authInfo.passwordHash = r[2].get!string; authInfo.privilege = r[3].get!!Privilege; return authInfo; } } struct AuthInfo { import : name; @name("_id") string id; string username; string passwordHash; Privilege privilege; mixin(generateAuthMethods); private: static string generateAuthMethods() pure @safe { import std.conv : to; import std.format : format; import std.traits : EnumMembers; string ret; foreach (member; EnumMembers!Privilege) { ret ~= q{ bool is%s() const pure @safe nothrow { return privilege == Privilege.%s; } }.format(!string,!string); } return ret; } }