This library provides a framework for handling multi dimensional data containers (arrays or array-like types), their meta data, and several kinds of operations on one or more of them.
This library consists of several building blocks. For simple usage, the most important building blocks are [ranges](#sec-ranges), [indices](#sec-indices) and [arrays](#sec-array-types).
Basically, a *range* defines a meta data space. There are several range class types, which are derived from the abstract base class `RangeBase`. Ranges can only be created by the corresponding factory and exclusively exist within a shared pointer; they cannot be copied. Available range class types are:
*`CRange` : Classic one-dimensional range. The meta data space is simply given by integer numbers running from `0` to `size-1`. The range size is determined at runtime.
*`URange<MetaT>` : Generic One-dimensional range. The meta data space is user defined, the meta data type is passed as template argument. The range size is determined at runtime.
*`PRange<RangeT>` : Partial or sub-range, i.e. a user-defined subspace of another range. The type of the range must be known at compile time, the subspace can be specified at runtime.
*`MRange<RangeTs...>` : Multi-dimensional range, spanned by a set of ranges. The number of ranges, as well as their types must be known at compile time.
For each range type there is a corresponding index type (`CIndex`, `UIndex<MetaT>`, `SIndex<MetaT,S>`, `PIndex<IndexT>`, `MIndex<IndexTs...>`, `YIndex`). They act as const iterators on the ranges and are a crucial component to define operations on containers. In contrast to the ranges, all index types must be known at compile time (static polymorphism, `IndexInterface<Index,MetaT>`).
Arrays or array-like types contain or view datasets and are derived from `CArrayBase<T>` (const) or `ArrayBase<T>` for a given data type `T`. All array types are defined on a range, their data can be accessed or iterated over using suitable indices. The array-type actually containing data is called `MArray<T>`. Moreover, there exist array-types that do not contain data, but view the data of other arrays or at least parts of the data. These are called `CSlice<T>` (const view) or `Slice`.
In the context of this library, *expressions* are classes representing an expression that is supposed to be executed at given points during an iteration proceedure that involves one or more indexed quantities. Each expression type must fulfill the following requirements:
* There must be an implementation of `operator()` taking a multi-position argument indicating the position for the current iteration of each involved object according to its indices. The function can have an expression defined return value, which can be further processed.
* There must be an implementation of `rootSteps()` taking an index ID as argument. The function should return jump sizes for each involved object corresponding to the given index.
Each expression `Xpr` should be derived from the class `XprInterface<Xpr>`, where `Xpr` is a recurring template argument (static polymorphism).
There are two important expression types:
* *For* expressions: They represent a for loop over a given index.
* *Operations*: They correspond to one or more indexed array types and given operation on or between them. If an operation handles nothing but the access to one single array, it is called *Operation**Root*.
#include "cnroxz.h"
using namespace CNORZX;
RangePtr r = CRangeFactory(3).create(); // [0,1,2]
RangePtr s = CRangeFactory(5).create(); // [0,1,2,3,4]
RangePtr t = URangeFactory<Int>(Vector<Int>{4,5,6}).create(); // [4,5,6]