riexp fix
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 140 additions and 88 deletions
@ -412,9 +412,14 @@ namespace CNORXZ
template <SizeT I>
decltype(auto) GMIndex<FormatT,Indices...>::stepSize(const IndexId<I>& id) const
// TODO: also for YRange!!!
const auto own = [&]() {
if constexpr(I != 0){ return SPos<0> {}; }
else { return UPos(id == this->id() ? 1 : 0); }
return iter<0,NI>
( [&](auto i) { return mIPack[i]->stepSize(id) * format()[i]; },
[](const auto&... ss) { return ( ss + ... ); });
[](const auto&... ss) { return ( ss + ... ); }) + own();
template <class FormatT, class... Indices>
@ -215,7 +215,6 @@ namespace CNORXZ
template <class PosT1>
constexpr UPos FPos::operator()(const PosT1& a) const
return UPos(mExt * mMap[a.val()]);
@ -205,7 +205,12 @@ namespace CNORXZ
template <SizeT I>
decltype(auto) RIndex<IndexI,IndexK>::stepSize(const IndexId<I>& id) const
return getRankStepSize(id);
const auto own = [&]() {
if constexpr(I != 0){ return SPos<0> {}; }
else { return UPos(id == this->id() ? 1 : 0); }
return mI->stepSize(id) + own();
//return getRankStepSize(id);
template <class IndexI, class IndexK>
@ -249,9 +254,14 @@ namespace CNORXZ
MPI_Allgather(&lex, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, lexs.data(), 1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG,
SizeT root = 0;
for(; root != lexs.size() and lexs[root] == mI->lmax().val(); ++root) {}
for(; root != lexs.size(); ++root) {
if(lexs[root] != mI->lmax().val()){
if(root == lexs.size()){ // metaPos not in rrange
*this = lmax().val();
else {
@ -162,31 +162,6 @@ namespace CNORXZ
Sptr<IndexI> mI; /**< Index on the local range of the THIS rank. */
Sptr<IndexK> mK; /**< Multi-index indicating the current rank. */
mutable std::map<PtrId,Vector<SizeT>> mRankMap;
template <SizeT I>
decltype(auto) getRankStepSize(const IndexId<I>& id) const
auto ss = mI->stepSize(id);
if constexpr(std::is_same<decltype(ss),FPos>::value){
if(mRankMap.count(id.id()) != 0){
return FPos(ss.val(), mRankMap[id.id()].data(), ss.max(), ss.max2());
else {
Vector<SizeT> mp(ss.max());
const SizeT b = mI->pmax().val() / ss.val();
for(SizeT i = 0; i != mp.size(); ++i){
//max2 = num ranks in this dir (preliminary solution)!!!
mp[i] = ( ( ss.map()[i] / ss.max() ) % ss.max2() ) * b + ss.map()[i];
mRankMap[id.id()] = mp;
return FPos(ss.val(), mp.data(), ss.max(), ss.max2());
else {
return ss;
template <class IndexI, class IndexK>
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ namespace
CXZ_ASSERT(getNumRanks() == 4, "exptected 4 ranks");
Vector<Int> xs(12);
Vector<Int> ts(16);
Vector<Int> xs(L);
Vector<Int> ts(T);
for(SizeT i = 0; i != xs.size(); ++i){
const Int x = static_cast<Int>(i) - static_cast<Int>(xs.size()/2);
xs[i] = x;
@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ namespace
mRRange = rrange(mGRange, mGeom);
SizeT T = 16;
SizeT L = 12;
RangePtr mSRange;
RangePtr mXRange;
RangePtr mTRange;
@ -53,48 +55,6 @@ namespace
RangePtr mRRange;
template <class Index, class IndexR>
class IndexMap : public Index
typedef typename Index::IB IB;
typedef typename Index::RangeType RangeType;
IndexMap(const Sptr<Index>& i, const Vector<SizeT>& map, const Sptr<IndexR>& r) :
Index(*i), mI(i), mR(r), mMap(map) {}
constexpr decltype(auto) id() const
return mI->id();
template <SizeT I>
decltype(auto) stepSize(const IndexId<I>& id) const
// TODO: new Pos Type!!!
return FPos( mI->stepSize(id).val(), mMap.data(), mI->lmax().val(), mR->lmax().val() );
Sptr<Index> mI;
Sptr<IndexR> mR;
Vector<SizeT> mMap;
template <class Index, class IndexR>
constexpr decltype(auto) shift(const Sptr<Index>& i, const Sptr<IndexR>& r)
// only one-dim indices!!!
auto j = *i;
Vector<SizeT> mp(j.lmax().val());
const SizeT L = i->lmax().val()*r->lmax().val();
for(j = 0; j.lex() != j.lmax().val(); ++j){
mp[j.lex()] = ( j.lex() + 1 + L) % L;
return std::make_shared<IndexMap<Index,IndexR>>(i, mp, r);
template <class Index>
class PosOp : public COpInterface<PosOp<Index>>
@ -105,17 +65,22 @@ namespace
constexpr PosOp() = default;
constexpr PosOp(const Sptr<Index>& i, SizeT block) :
mMyrank(getRankNumber()), mI(i), mBlock(block) {}
mMyrank(getRankNumber()), mI(i), mBlock(block)
template <class PosT>
constexpr decltype(auto) operator()(const PosT& pos) const
return static_cast<SizeT>(pos)+mMyrank*mBlock;
return static_cast<SizeT>(pos);
//return static_cast<SizeT>(pos)+mMyrank*mBlock;
constexpr decltype(auto) operator()() const
return static_cast<SizeT>(mMyrank*mBlock);
return static_cast<SizeT>(0);
//return static_cast<SizeT>(mMyrank*mBlock);
template <SizeT I>
@ -135,6 +100,93 @@ namespace
return PosOp<Index>(i, block);
template <class PosT>
struct MkFPos
static constexpr decltype(auto) mk(const PosT& pos, const SizeT* map)
return FPos(pos.val(), map);
template <class BPosT, class NPosT>
constexpr decltype(auto) mkMPos(const BPosT& bpos, const NPosT& npos)
return MPos<BPosT,NPosT>(bpos, npos);
template <class BPosT, class NPosT>
struct MkFPos<MPos<BPosT,NPosT>>
static constexpr decltype(auto) mk(const MPos<BPosT,NPosT>& pos, const SizeT* map)
return mkMPos( MkFPos<BPosT>::mk( pos, map ), MkFPos<NPosT>::mk( pos.next(), map ) );
template <class PosT>
constexpr decltype(auto) mkFPos(const PosT& pos, const SizeT* map)
return MkFPos<PosT>::mk(pos, map);
template <class TarIndex, class SrcIndex, class Xpr>
class MapXpr : public XprInterface<MapXpr<TarIndex,SrcIndex,Xpr>>
Sptr<TarIndex> mTi;
Sptr<SrcIndex> mSi;
Vector<SizeT> mMap;
Xpr mXpr;
typedef decltype(mkFPos( mXpr.rootSteps(mTi->id()), mMap.data() )) Ext;
Ext mExt;
MapXpr() = default;
// src local
template <class F>
MapXpr(const Sptr<TarIndex>& ti, const Sptr<SrcIndex>& si, const F& f, Xpr&& xpr) :
mTi(ti), mSi(si), mMap(mSi->local()->lmax().val()), mXpr(std::forward<Xpr>(xpr)),
mExt(mkFPos( mXpr.rootSteps(mTi->id()), mMap.data() ))
auto six = *si;
auto sie = si->range()->end();
auto tix = *ti;
for(six = 0; six != sie; ++six){
tix.at( f(*six) );
if(six.rank() == getRankNumber()){
mMap[six.local()->lex()] = tix.pos();
template <class PosT>
decltype(auto) operator()(const PosT& last) const
return mXpr( last.next() + mExt( last ) );
decltype(auto) operator()() const
return mXpr( mExt( UPos(0) ) );
template <SizeT I>
decltype(auto) rootSteps(const IndexId<I>& id) const
return mSi->stepSize(id) << mXpr.rootSteps(id);
template <class TarIndex, class SrcIndex, class F, class Xpr>
decltype(auto) mapXpr(const Sptr<TarIndex>& ti, const Sptr<SrcIndex>& si, const F& f, Xpr&& xpr)
return MapXpr<TarIndex,SrcIndex,Xpr>(ti,si,f,std::forward<Xpr>(xpr));
void run2(const Env& env)
@ -145,6 +197,8 @@ void run2(const Env& env)
typedef UIndex<Int> UI;
typedef MIndex<UI,UI,UI,UI> LocI;
typedef MIndex<CIndex,CIndex,CIndex,CIndex> RankI;
const SizeT T = env.T;
const SizeT L = env.L;
auto rgi = std::make_shared<RIndex<LocI,RankI>>(env.mRRange);
auto rgj = std::make_shared<RIndex<LocI,RankI>>(env.mRRange);
auto rgk = std::make_shared<RIndex<LocI,RankI>>(env.mRRange);
@ -152,7 +206,7 @@ void run2(const Env& env)
LocI gj(env.mGRange);
auto ri = std::make_shared<RankI>(env.mGeom);
constexpr auto C0 = CSizeT<0> {};
constexpr auto C1 = CSizeT<1> {};
//constexpr auto C1 = CSizeT<1> {};
constexpr auto C2 = CSizeT<2> {};
constexpr auto C3 = CSizeT<3> {};
@ -173,21 +227,27 @@ void run2(const Env& env)
for(auto& sb: sendbuf){
auto srgi = rindexPtr( mindexPtr(
shift(rgi->local()->pack()[C0], ri->pack()[C0]),
shift(rgi->local()->pack()[C2], ri->pack()[C2]),
shift(rgi->local()->pack()[C3], ri->pack()[C3])
), ri );
*rgj = 0;
while(rgj->rank() != 1){
*rgj->local() = 0;
rgi->ifor( operation
auto shift = [&](const auto& x){
auto o = x;
std::get<0>(o) += 1;
if(std::get<0>(o) >= static_cast<int>(T)/2) { std::get<0>(o) -= T; }
std::get<2>(o) += 1;
if(std::get<2>(o) >= static_cast<int>(L)/2) { std::get<2>(o) -= L; }
std::get<3>(o) += 1;
if(std::get<3>(o) >= static_cast<int>(L)/2) { std::get<3>(o) -= L; }
return o;
SizeT cntx = 0;
rgi->ifor( mapXpr(rgj, rgi, shift,
( [&](SizeT p) {
gj = rgj->lex();
*gj.pack()[C0] = (gj.pack()[C0]->lex() + 1) % gj.pack()[C0]->lmax().val();
@ -195,12 +255,15 @@ void run2(const Env& env)
*gj.pack()[C3] = (gj.pack()[C3]->lex() + 1) % gj.pack()[C3]->lmax().val();
*rgk = gj.lex();
if(myrank == 1){
assert(p == rgk->pos());
std::cout << p << " " << rgk->pos() << " " << rgj->pos() << std::endl;
} , posop(srgi, rgi->local()->pmax().val()) ) ,
} , posop(rgj, rgi->local()->pmax().val()) ) ) ,
NoF {} )();
Reference in a new issue