322 lines
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322 lines
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// -*- C++ -*-
@file opt/mpi/include/rrange.h
@brief RRange and RIndex declaration.
Copyright (c) 2024 Christian Zimmermann. All rights reserved.
Mail: chizeta@f3l.de
#ifndef __cxz_mpi_rrange_h__
#define __cxz_mpi_rrange_h__
#include "mpi_base.h"
namespace CNORXZ
namespace mpi
/** ****
Specific index for RRange.
Every call on an instance of this class has to be done on each rank.
@tparam IndexI Index type used to indicate local position.
@tparam IndexK Index type used to indicate the rank.
template <class IndexI, class IndexK>
class RIndex : public IndexInterface<RIndex<IndexI,IndexK>,typename IndexI::MetaType>
typedef IndexInterface<RIndex<IndexI,IndexK>,typename IndexI::MetaType> IB;
typedef typename IndexI::MetaType MetaType;
typedef RRange<typename IndexI::RangeType,typename IndexK::RangeType> RangeType;
/** Default constructor. */
RIndex() = default;
/** Move constructor (default). */
RIndex(RIndex&& in) = default;
/** Move assignment (default). */
RIndex& operator=(RIndex&& in) = default;
/** Copy constructor (no default, copy local index instance). */
RIndex(const RIndex& in);
/** Copy assignment (no default, copy local index instance). */
RIndex& operator=(const RIndex& in);
/** Construct from global range and format.
@param global Pointer to global range (RRange).
@param lexpos Start position.
RIndex(const RangePtr& global, SizeT lexpos = 0);
/** Construct from local index and rank index.
@param i Local index.
@param k Rank index.
RIndex(const Sptr<IndexI>& i, const Sptr<IndexK>& k);
/** @copydoc IndexInterface::operator=(SizeT) */
RIndex& operator=(SizeT pos);
/** @copydoc IndexInterface::operator++() */
RIndex& operator++();
/** @copydoc IndexInterface::operator--() */
RIndex& operator--();
/** @copydoc IndexInterface::operator+() */
RIndex operator+(Int n) const;
/** @copydoc IndexInterface::operator-() */
RIndex operator-(Int n) const;
/** @copydoc IndexInterface::operator-(CIndex) */
SizeT operator-(const RIndex& i) const;
/** @copydoc IndexInterface::operator+=() */
RIndex& operator+=(Int n);
/** @copydoc IndexInterface::operator-=() */
RIndex& operator-=(Int n);
/** @copydoc IndexInterface::lex() */
SizeT lex() const;
/** @copydoc IndexInterface::pmax() */
constexpr decltype(auto) pmax() const;
/** @copydoc IndexInterface::lmax() */
constexpr decltype(auto) lmax() const;
/** @copydoc IndexInterface::id() */
IndexId<0> id() const;
/** @copydoc IndexInterface::operator*() */
MetaType operator*() const;
/** @copydoc IndexInterface::dim() */
constexpr SizeT dim() const;
/** @copydoc IndexInterface::range() */
Sptr<RangeType> range() const;
/** @copydoc IndexInterface::stepSize() */
template <SizeT I>
decltype(auto) stepSize(const IndexId<I>& id) const;
/** @copydoc IndexInterface::stringMeta() */
String stringMeta() const;
/** @copydoc IndexInterface::meta() */
MetaType meta() const;
/** @copydoc IndexInterface::at() */
RIndex& at(const MetaType& metaPos);
/** @copydoc IndexInterface::prange() */
RangePtr prange(const RIndex<IndexI,IndexK>& last) const;
/** @copydoc IndexInterface::deepFormat() */
auto deepFormat() const;
/** @copydoc IndexInterface::deepMax() */
auto deepMax() const;
/** @copydoc IndexInterface::reformat() */
RIndex& reformat(const Vector<SizeT>& f, const Vector<SizeT>& s);
/** @copydoc IndexInterface::ifor() */
template <class Xpr, class F>
constexpr decltype(auto) ifor(const Xpr& xpr, F&& f) const;
/** @copydoc IndexInterface::formatIsTrivial() */
bool formatIsTrivial() const;
/** @copydoc IndexInterface::xpr() */
decltype(auto) xpr(const Sptr<RIndex<IndexI,IndexK>>& _this) const;
/** Replace local index instance and update index position correspondingly.
@param i New index instances.
RIndex& operator()(const Sptr<IndexI>& i);
/** Update index position according to the sub-indices. */
RIndex& operator()();
/** Get the current rank. */
SizeT rank() const;
/** Get the local index on THIS rank. */
Sptr<IndexI> local() const;
/** Get index indicating the current rank this index points to. */
Sptr<IndexK> rankI() const;
/** Set the rank format.
@param rankFormat Format of the rank index K.
@param stepRatio stepSize of K over stepsize of I; needs to be dividable by rankFormat.
If stepRatio == 0, it is set to the default value = mI->pmax().val().
void setRankFormat(SizeT rankFormat, SizeT stepRatio = 0);
/** Get the rank format. */
SizeT rankFormat() const;
/** Get step ratio. */
SizeT stepRatio() const;
SizeT mLex = 0;
Sptr<RangeType> mRange; /**< RRange. */
Sptr<IndexI> mI; /**< Index on the local range of the THIS rank. */
Sptr<IndexK> mK; /**< Multi-index indicating the current rank. */
SizeT mNRanks; /**< Number of ranks; in general different from but dividable by mK's maximum. */
SizeT mRankFormat = 1; /**< Frequency of ranks to be served by this index. */
SizeT mRankOffset = 0; /** < Offset in case this index only serves a sub-slice of ranks .*/
SizeT mStepRatio; /**< Ratio between the stepsizes of mK and mI. */
template <class IndexI, class IndexK>
constexpr decltype(auto) rindex(const Sptr<IndexI>& i, const Sptr<IndexK>& k)
return RIndex<IndexI,IndexK>(i,k);
template <class IndexI, class IndexK>
constexpr decltype(auto) rindexPtr(const Sptr<IndexI>& i, const Sptr<IndexK>& k)
return std::make_shared<RIndex<IndexI,IndexK>>(i,k);
/** Make index pack of a RIndex and another index.
@param a pointer to RIndex.
@param b pointer to another index.
template <class IndexI, class IndexK, class I1>
decltype(auto) operator*(const Sptr<RIndex<IndexI,IndexK>>& a, const Sptr<I1>& b);
// Traits!!!
template <class I>
struct is_rank_index
static constexpr bool value = false;
template <class IndexI, class IndexK>
struct is_rank_index<RIndex<IndexI,IndexK>>
static constexpr bool value = true;
/** ****
Specific factory for RRange.
@tparam RangeI Local range type.
@tparam RangeK Geometry range type.
template <class RangeI, class RangeK>
class RRangeFactory : public RangeFactoryBase
/** Construct and setup factory.
@param ri Local range.
@param rk Geometry range.
RRangeFactory(const Sptr<RangeI>& ri, const Sptr<RangeK>& rk);
RRangeFactory() = default;
virtual void make() override final;
Sptr<RangeI> mRI;
Sptr<RangeK> mRK;
/** ****
Range-Wrapper for ranges that are distributed on MPI ranks.
@tparam RangeI Local range type.
@tparam RangeK Geometry range type.
template <class RangeI, class RangeK>
class RRange : public RangeInterface<RRange<RangeI,RangeK>>
typedef RangeBase RB;
typedef RIndex<typename RangeI::IndexType,typename RangeK::IndexType> IndexType;
typedef typename RangeI::MetaType MetaType;
friend RRangeFactory<RangeI,RangeK>;
virtual RangePtr sub(SizeT num) const override final;
virtual MArray<RangePtr> sub() const override final;
virtual SizeT size() const override final;
virtual SizeT dim() const override final;
virtual String stringMeta(SizeT pos) const override final;
virtual const TypeInfo& type() const override final;
virtual const TypeInfo& metaType() const override final;
virtual RangePtr extend(const RangePtr& r) const override final;
/** Get local range. */
Sptr<RangeI> local() const;
/** Get range of the rank geometry. */
Sptr<RangeK> geom() const;
/** Get meta data for given lexicographic position.
@param pos Lexicographic position.
const MetaType get(SizeT pos) const;
/** Get lexicographic position according to the given meta data value.
@param metaPos Meta data value.
SizeT getMeta(const MetaType& metaPos) const;
/** Get rank from lexicographic meta data position.
@param pos Lexicographic meta data position.
SizeT getRank(SizeT pos) const;
/** Dafault constructor */
RRange() = default;
RRange(const RRange& in) = delete;
RRange& operator=(const RRange& in) = delete;
/** Construct from local range and geometry.
@param loc Local range.
@param geom Rank geometry range.
RRange(const Sptr<RangeI>& loc, const Sptr<RangeK>& geom);
Sptr<RangeI> mLocal; /**< Local range of THIS rank. */
Sptr<RangeK> mGeom; /**< Rank geometry range. */
virtual Vector<Uuid> key() const override final;
/** Create RRange from global range and given rank geometry.
@param global Global range.
@param geom Rank geometry.
RangePtr rrange(const RangePtr& global, const RangePtr& geom);
} // namespace mpi
template <class RangeI, class RangeK>
struct RangeCast<mpi::RRange<RangeI,RangeK>>
static Sptr<mpi::RRange<RangeI,RangeK>> func(const RangePtr& r);
} // namespace CNORXZ