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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Johannes Loher
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import fs from "fs-extra";
import path from "node:path";
import semver from "semver";
import yargs from "yargs";
import { hideBin } from "yargs/helpers";
import { sourceDirectory } from "./const.js";
const getDownloadURL = (version) => `https://git.f3l.de/dungeonslayers/ds4/-/releases/${version}/downloads/ds4.zip`;
const getChangelogURL = (version) => `https://git.f3l.de/dungeonslayers/ds4/-/releases/${version}`;
* Get the contents of the manifest file as object.
* @returns {{file: unknown, name: string}} An object describing the manifest
function getManifest() {
const manifestPath = path.join(sourceDirectory, "system.json");
if (fs.existsSync(manifestPath)) {
return {
file: fs.readJSONSync(manifestPath),
name: "system.json",
* Get the target version based on on the current version and the argument passed as release.
* @param {string} currentVersion The current version
* @param {semver.ReleaseType | string} release Either a semver release type or a valid semver version
* @returns {string | null} The target version
function getTargetVersion(currentVersion, release) {
if (["major", "premajor", "minor", "preminor", "patch", "prepatch", "prerelease"].includes(release)) {
return semver.inc(currentVersion, release);
} else {
return semver.valid(release);
* Update version and download URL.
* @param {semver.ReleaseType | string} release Either a semver release type or a valid semver version
function bumpVersion(release) {
if (!release) {
throw new Error("Missing release type");
const packageJson = fs.readJSONSync("package.json");
const manifest = getManifest();
if (!manifest) throw new Error("Manifest JSON not found");
const currentVersion = packageJson.version;
const targetVersion = getTargetVersion(currentVersion, release);
if (!targetVersion) {
throw new Error("Incorrect version arguments");
if (targetVersion === currentVersion) {
throw new Error("Target version is identical to current version");
console.log(`Bumping version number to '${targetVersion}'`);
packageJson.version = targetVersion;
fs.writeJSONSync("package.json", packageJson, { spaces: 4 });
manifest.file.version = targetVersion;
manifest.file.download = getDownloadURL(targetVersion);
manifest.file.changelog = getChangelogURL(targetVersion);
fs.writeJSONSync(path.join(sourceDirectory, manifest.name), manifest.file, { spaces: 4 });
const argv = yargs(hideBin(process.argv)).usage("Usage: $0").option("release", {
alias: "r",
type: "string",
demandOption: true,
description: "Either a semver release type or a valid semver version",
const release = argv.r;