Johannes Loher 045991073b
All checks were successful
ci/woodpecker/pr/checks Pipeline was successful
chore: reformat with 2 spaces and single quotes
2023-07-10 22:25:25 +02:00

26 lines
817 B

"_id": "FCxjdPJ1L8EJd0IF",
"name": "Nur durch Magie verletzbar",
"type": "specialCreatureAbility",
"img": "systems/ds4/assets/icons/official/special-creature-abilities/only-vulnerable-to-magic.png",
"effects": [],
"folder": null,
"sort": 0,
"flags": {},
"system": {
"description": "<p>Nur Angriffe mit magischen Waffen oder durch Zauber richten Schaden an. Ausgenommen sind eventuelle <strong>Anf&auml;lligkeiten</strong>, durch die ebenfalls Schaden erlitten wird.</p>",
"experiencePoints": 50
"ownership": {
"default": 0
"_stats": {
"systemId": "ds4",
"systemVersion": "1.19.4",
"coreVersion": "11.305",
"createdTime": 1668995342047,
"modifiedTime": 1688934428925,
"lastModifiedBy": "DS4BuildSystem00"
"_key": "!items!FCxjdPJ1L8EJd0IF"