141 lines
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141 lines
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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Johannes Loher
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Oliver Rümpelein
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Gesina Schwalbe
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import { DS4ActiveEffect } from "../active-effect";
import { DS4 } from "../config";
import { getGame } from "../helpers";
import notifications from "../ui/notifications";
import { enforce } from "../utils";
import { isDS4ItemDataTypePhysical } from "./item-data-source-base";
* The Sheet class for DS4 Items
export class DS4ItemSheet extends ItemSheet<ItemSheet.Options, DS4ItemSheetData> {
/** @override */
static get defaultOptions(): ItemSheet.Options {
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
classes: ["sheet", "ds4-item-sheet"],
height: 400,
scrollY: [".ds4-sheet-body"],
tabs: [{ navSelector: ".ds4-sheet-tab-nav", contentSelector: ".ds4-sheet-body", initial: "description" }],
width: 540,
/** @override */
get template(): string {
const basePath = "systems/ds4/templates/sheets/item";
return `${basePath}/${this.item.data.type}-sheet.hbs`;
/** @override */
async getData(): Promise<DS4ItemSheetData> {
const data = {
...(await super.getData()),
config: DS4,
isOwned: this.item.isOwned,
actor: this.item.actor,
isPhysical: isDS4ItemDataTypePhysical(this.item.data.data),
return data;
/** @override */
setPosition(options: Partial<Application.Position> = {}): (Application.Position & { height: number }) | void {
const position = super.setPosition(options);
if (position) {
const sheetBody = this.element.find(".sheet-body");
const bodyHeight = position.height - 192;
sheetBody.css("height", bodyHeight);
return position;
/** @override */
activateListeners(html: JQuery): void {
if (!this.options.editable) return;
html.find(".control-effect").on("click", this.onControlEffect.bind(this));
* Handles a click on an element of this sheet to control an embedded effect of the item corresponding to this
* sheet.
* @param event - The originating click event
protected onControlEffect(event: JQuery.ClickEvent): void {
if (this.item.isOwned) {
return notifications.warn(getGame().i18n.localize("DS4.WarningManageActiveEffectOnOwnedItem"));
const a = event.currentTarget;
switch (a.dataset["action"]) {
case "create":
return this.onCreateEffect();
case "edit":
return this.onEditEffect(event);
case "delete":
return this.onDeleteEffect(event);
* Creates a new embedded effect.
* @param event - The originating click event
protected onCreateEffect(): void {
* Opens the sheet of the embedded effect corresponding to the clicked element.
* @param event - The originating click event
protected onEditEffect(event: JQuery.ClickEvent): void {
const id = $(event.currentTarget)
const effect = this.item.effects.get(id);
enforce(effect, getGame().i18n.format("DS4.ErrorItemDoesNotHaveEffect", { id, item: this.item.name }));
* Deletes the embedded item corresponding to the clicked element.
* @param event - The originating click event
protected onDeleteEffect(event: JQuery.ClickEvent): void {
const li = $(event.currentTarget).parents(embeddedDocumentListEntryProperties.ActiveEffect.selector);
const id = li.data(embeddedDocumentListEntryProperties.ActiveEffect.idDataAttribute);
this.item.deleteEmbeddedDocuments("ActiveEffect", [id]);
li.slideUp(200, () => this.render(false));
interface DS4ItemSheetData extends ItemSheet.Data<ItemSheet.Options> {
config: typeof DS4;
isOwned: boolean;
actor: DS4ItemSheet["item"]["actor"];
isPhysical: boolean;
* This object contains information about specific properties embedded document list entries for each different type.
const embeddedDocumentListEntryProperties = Object.freeze({
ActiveEffect: {
selector: ".effect",
idDataAttribute: "effectId",