2021-09-14 13:03:45 +02:00

227 lines
6.4 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Johannes Loher
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
const { rollup } = require("rollup");
const argv = require("yargs").argv;
const chalk = require("chalk");
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const gulp = require("gulp");
const path = require("path");
const rollupConfig = require("./rollup.config");
const semver = require("semver");
const sass = require("gulp-sass")(require("sass"));
const name = path.basename(path.resolve("."));
const sourceDirectory = "./src";
const distDirectory = "./dist";
const stylesDirectory = path.join(sourceDirectory, "scss");
const stylesExtension = ".scss";
const sourceFileExtension = ".ts";
const staticFiles = ["assets", "fonts", "lang", "packs", "templates", "system.json", "template.json"];
const getDownloadURL = (version) => `https://git.f3l.de/dungeonslayers/ds4/-/releases/${version}/downloads/ds4.zip`;
/* BUILD */
* Build the distributable JavaScript code
async function buildCode() {
const build = await rollup({ input: rollupConfig.input, plugins: rollupConfig.plugins });
return build.write(rollupConfig.output);
* Build style sheets
function buildStyles() {
return gulp
.src(path.join(stylesDirectory, `${name}${stylesExtension}`))
.pipe(sass().on("error", sass.logError))
.pipe(gulp.dest(path.join(distDirectory, "css")));
* Copy static files
async function copyFiles() {
for (const file of staticFiles) {
if (fs.existsSync(path.join(sourceDirectory, file))) {
await fs.copy(path.join(sourceDirectory, file), path.join(distDirectory, file));
* Watch for changes for each build step
function buildWatch() {
path.join(sourceDirectory, "**", `*${sourceFileExtension}`).replace(/\\/g, "/"),
{ ignoreInitial: false },
path.join(stylesDirectory, "**", `*${stylesExtension}`).replace(/\\/g, "/"),
{ ignoreInitial: false },
staticFiles.map((file) => path.join(sourceDirectory, file).replace(/\\/g, "/")),
{ ignoreInitial: false },
/* CLEAN */
* Remove built files from `dist` folder while ignoring source files
async function clean() {
const files = [...staticFiles, "module"];
if (fs.existsSync(path.join(stylesDirectory, `${name}${stylesExtension}`))) {
console.log(" ", chalk.yellow("Files to clean:"));
console.log(" ", chalk.blueBright(files.join("\n ")));
for (const filePath of files) {
await fs.remove(path.join(distDirectory, filePath));
/* LINK */
* Get the data path of Foundry VTT based on what is configured in `foundryconfig.json`
function getDataPath() {
const config = fs.readJSONSync("foundryconfig.json");
if (config?.dataPath) {
if (!fs.existsSync(path.resolve(config.dataPath))) {
throw new Error("User Data path invalid, no Data directory found");
return path.resolve(config.dataPath);
} else {
throw new Error("No User Data path defined in foundryconfig.json");
* Link build to User Data folder
async function linkUserData() {
let destinationDirectory;
if (fs.existsSync(path.resolve(".", sourceDirectory, "system.json"))) {
destinationDirectory = "systems";
} else {
throw new Error(`Could not find ${chalk.blueBright("system.json")}`);
const linkDirectory = path.resolve(getDataPath(), destinationDirectory, name);
if (argv.clean || argv.c) {
console.log(chalk.yellow(`Removing build in ${chalk.blueBright(linkDirectory)}.`));
await fs.remove(linkDirectory);
} else if (!fs.existsSync(linkDirectory)) {
console.log(chalk.green(`Copying build to ${chalk.blueBright(linkDirectory)}.`));
await fs.ensureDir(path.resolve(linkDirectory, ".."));
await fs.symlink(path.resolve(".", distDirectory), linkDirectory);
* Get the contents of the manifest file as object.
function getManifest() {
const manifestPath = path.join(sourceDirectory, "system.json");
if (fs.existsSync(manifestPath)) {
return {
file: fs.readJSONSync(manifestPath),
name: "system.json",
* Get the target version based on on the current version and the argument passed as release.
function getTargetVersion(currentVersion, release) {
if (["major", "premajor", "minor", "preminor", "patch", "prepatch", "prerelease"].includes(release)) {
return semver.inc(currentVersion, release);
} else {
return semver.valid(release);
* Update version and download URL.
function bumpVersion(cb) {
const packageJson = fs.readJSONSync("package.json");
const manifest = getManifest();
if (!manifest) cb(Error(chalk.red("Manifest JSON not found")));
try {
const release = argv.release || argv.r;
const currentVersion = packageJson.version;
if (!release) {
return cb(Error("Missing release type"));
const targetVersion = getTargetVersion(currentVersion, release);
if (!targetVersion) {
return cb(new Error(chalk.red("Error: Incorrect version arguments")));
if (targetVersion === currentVersion) {
return cb(new Error(chalk.red("Error: Target version is identical to current version")));
console.log(`Updating version number to '${targetVersion}'`);
packageJson.version = targetVersion;
fs.writeJSONSync("package.json", packageJson, { spaces: 4 });
manifest.file.version = targetVersion;
manifest.file.download = getDownloadURL(targetVersion);
fs.writeJSONSync(path.join(sourceDirectory, manifest.name), manifest.file, { spaces: 4 });
return cb();
} catch (err) {
const execBuild = gulp.parallel(buildCode, buildStyles, copyFiles);
exports.build = gulp.series(clean, execBuild);
exports.watch = buildWatch;
exports.clean = clean;
exports.link = linkUserData;
exports.bumpVersion = bumpVersion;