
237 lines
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import { DS4 } from "../config";
* Provides default values for all arguments the `CheckFactory` expects.
class DefaultCheckOptions implements DS4CheckFactoryOptions {
maxCritSuccess = 1;
minCritFailure = 20;
useSlayingDice = false;
rollMode: DS4RollMode = "roll";
mergeWith(other: Partial<DS4CheckFactoryOptions>): DS4CheckFactoryOptions {
return { ...this, ...other } as DS4CheckFactoryOptions;
* Singleton reference for default value extraction.
const defaultCheckOptions = new DefaultCheckOptions();
* Most basic class responsible for generating the chat formula and passing it to the chat as roll.
class CheckFactory {
private checkTargetValue: number,
private gmModifier: number,
passedOptions: Partial<DS4CheckFactoryOptions> = {},
) {
this.checkOptions = new DefaultCheckOptions().mergeWith(passedOptions);
private checkOptions: DS4CheckFactoryOptions;
async execute(): Promise<ChatMessage | unknown> {
const rollCls: typeof Roll = CONFIG.Dice.rolls[0];
const formula = [
const roll = new rollCls(formula);
const rollModeTemplate = this.checkOptions.rollMode;
return roll.toMessage({}, { rollMode: rollModeTemplate, create: true });
// Term generators
createTargetValueTerm(): string | null {
if (this.checkTargetValue !== null) {
return "v" + (this.checkTargetValue + this.gmModifier);
} else {
return null;
createCritTerm(): string | null {
const minCritRequired = this.checkOptions.minCritFailure !== defaultCheckOptions.minCritFailure;
const maxCritRequired = this.checkOptions.maxCritSuccess !== defaultCheckOptions.maxCritSuccess;
if (minCritRequired || maxCritRequired) {
return "c" + (this.checkOptions.maxCritSuccess ?? "") + "," + (this.checkOptions.minCritFailure ?? "");
} else {
return null;
createSlayingDiceTerm(): string | null {
return this.checkOptions.useSlayingDice ? "x" : null;
* Asks the user for all unknown/necessary information and passes them on to perform a roll.
* @param targetValue {number} The Check Target Number ("CTN")
* @param options {Partial<DS4CheckFactoryOptions>} Options changing the behaviour of the roll and message.
export async function createCheckRoll(
targetValue: number,
options: Partial<DS4CheckFactoryOptions> = {},
): Promise<ChatMessage | unknown> {
// Ask for additional required data;
const gmModifierData = await askGmModifier(targetValue, options);
const newOptions: Partial<DS4CheckFactoryOptions> = {
maxCritSuccess: gmModifierData.maxCritSuccess ?? options.maxCritSuccess ?? undefined,
minCritFailure: gmModifierData.minCritFailure ?? options.minCritFailure ?? undefined,
useSlayingDice: gmModifierData.useSlayingDice ?? options.useSlayingDice ?? undefined,
rollMode: gmModifierData.rollMode ?? options.rollMode ?? undefined,
// Create Factory
const cf = new CheckFactory(gmModifierData.checkTargetValue, gmModifierData.gmModifier, newOptions);
// Possibly additional processing
// Execute roll
return cf.execute();
* Responsible for rendering the modal interface asking for the modifier specified by GM and (currently) additional data.
* @notes
* At the moment, this asks for more data than it will do after some iterations.
* @returns {Promise<IntermediateGmModifierData>} The data given by the user.
async function askGmModifier(
targetValue: number,
options: Partial<DS4CheckFactoryOptions> = {},
{ template, title }: { template?: string; title?: string } = {},
): Promise<IntermediateGmModifierData> {
// Render model interface and return value
const usedTemplate = template ?? "systems/ds4/templates/roll/roll-options.hbs";
const usedTitle = title ?? game.i18n.localize("DS4.RollDialogDefaultTitle");
const templateData = {
cssClass: "roll-option",
title: usedTitle,
checkTargetValue: targetValue,
maxCritSuccess: options.maxCritSuccess ?? defaultCheckOptions.maxCritSuccess,
minCritFailure: options.minCritFailure ?? defaultCheckOptions.minCritFailure,
rollModes: rollModes,
config: DS4,
const renderedHtml = await renderTemplate(usedTemplate, templateData);
const dialogPromise = new Promise<HTMLFormElement>((resolve) => {
new Dialog(
title: usedTitle,
close: () => {
// Don't do anything
content: renderedHtml,
buttons: {
ok: {
label: game.i18n.localize("DS4.RollDialogOkButton"),
callback: (html: HTMLElement | JQuery) => {
if (!("jquery" in html)) {
throw new Error(
game.i18n.format("DS4.ErrorUnexpectedHtmlType", {
exType: "JQuery",
realType: "HTMLElement",
} else {
const innerForm = html[0].querySelector("form");
cancel: {
label: game.i18n.localize("DS4.RollDialogCancelButton"),
callback: () => {
// Don't do anything
default: "ok",
const dialogForm = await dialogPromise;
return parseDialogFormData(dialogForm, targetValue);
* Extracts Dialog data from the returned DOM element.
* @param formData {HTMLFormElement} The filed dialog
* @param targetValue {number} The previously known target value (slated for removal once data automation is available)
function parseDialogFormData(formData: HTMLFormElement, targetValue: number): IntermediateGmModifierData {
return {
checkTargetValue: parseInt(formData["ctv"]?.value) ?? targetValue,
gmModifier: parseInt(formData["gmmod"]?.value) ?? 0,
maxCritSuccess: parseInt(formData["maxcoup"]?.value) ?? defaultCheckOptions.maxCritSuccess,
minCritFailure: parseInt(formData["minfumble"]?.value) ?? defaultCheckOptions.minCritFailure,
useSlayingDice: false,
rollMode: formData["visibility"]?.value ?? defaultCheckOptions.rollMode,
* Contains data that needs retrieval from an interactive Dialog.
interface GmModifierData {
gmModifier: number;
rollMode: DS4RollMode;
* Contains *CURRENTLY* necessary Data for drafting a roll.
* @deprecated
* Quite a lot of this information is requested due to a lack of automation:
* - maxCritSuccess
* - minCritFailure
* - useSlayingDice
* - checkTargetValue
* They will and should be removed once effects and data retrieval is in place.
* If a "raw" roll dialog is necessary, create another pre-porcessing Dialog
* class asking for the required information.
* This interface should then be replaced with the `GmModifierData`.
interface IntermediateGmModifierData extends GmModifierData {
checkTargetValue: number;
gmModifier: number;
maxCritSuccess: number;
minCritFailure: number;
// TODO: In final version from system settings
useSlayingDice: boolean;
rollMode: DS4RollMode;
* The minimum behavioural options that need to be passed to the factory.
export interface DS4CheckFactoryOptions {
maxCritSuccess: number;
minCritFailure: number;
useSlayingDice: boolean;
rollMode: DS4RollMode;
* Defines all possible roll modes, both for iterating and typing.
const rollModes = ["roll", "gmroll", "blindroll", "selfroll"] as const;
type DS4RollModeTuple = typeof rollModes;
export type DS4RollMode = DS4RollModeTuple[number];