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package de.pheerai.rcdbquery.dataMappings
enum class Order(
override val prettyName: String,
override val fullName: String,
override val paramValue: Int
) : RcdbParamOption<Int> {
IMAGES("Images", "Amount of Images", 0),
NAME("Name", "Name of the Coaster", 1),
"The purpose of this parameter is yet unclear. You might want to use NAME instead",
level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING,
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("Order.NAME")
NAME_2("Name", "Name of the Coaster. Difference to NAME not clear", 2),
LOCATION("Location", 3),
PARK("Park", 4),
OPENED("Opened", "Opening Date", 8),
CLOSED("Closed", "Closing Date (past)", 9),
"This field seems to have been deprecated in favor of another parameter",
level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING,
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("Order.STATE")
STATE_2("State", "Operational State (legacy)", 10),
ENTERED("Entered", 12),
TYPE("Type", "Constrcution Type (Wood, Steel)", 13),
DESIGN("Design", "Train Design (Sit-Down, Invert,...)", 14),
CLASSIFICATION("Classification", "Coaster Classification (Coaster, Powered Coaster, Mountain Coaster)", 15),
LAYOUT("Layout", 16),
MODEL("Model", "Manufacturer Model", 17),
MODEL_LINE("Model-Line", "Coaster Model Line", 18),
SPEED("Speed", "Max. Speed", 19),
HEIGHT("Height", 20),
DROP("Drop", "Highest Drop", 21),
LENGTH("Length", 22),
ANGLE("Angle", 23),
INVERSIONS("Inversions", "Number of inversions", 24),
SERIAL_NO("Serial", "Serial number", 25),
SCALE("Scale", "Thrill factor", 26),
RIDE_TIME("Ride Time", 27),
STATE("State", "Operational state", 29),
MANUFACTURER("Manufacturer", 30),
CLOSING("Closing", "(Future) closign date for temporary installations", 31)
constructor(name: String, paramId: Int) : this(name, name, paramId)
companion object {
const val staticParamName = "order"