initital commit

This commit is contained in:
Johannes Loher 2016-02-14 11:00:28 +01:00
commit 826aad7786
7 changed files with 959 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

dub.sdl Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
name "learncrypt"
description "A small application to learn programming crypto"
copyright "Copyright © 2016, Johannes Loher"
authors "Johannes Loher"

source/actions.d Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
module actions;
import std.stdio;
import std.base64: Base64;
import std.random : Random, uniform;
import std.algorithm : joiner;
import cipher;
enum chunkSize = 4096;
enum string randomDeviceName = "/dev/random";
void encrypt(string keyFileName, Cipher cipher, bool armor)
auto key = loadKey(keyFileName, armor);
ubyte[8] nonce;
ubyte[] buf;
foreach(b; stdin.byChunk(chunkSize).joiner.cipherFunction(key, nonce, cipher))
buf ~= [b];
if(buf.length == 57)
buf = [];
if(buf !is null)
foreach(b; stdin.byChunk(chunkSize).joiner.cipherFunction(key, nonce, cipher))
void decrypt(string keyFileName, Cipher cipher, bool armor)
auto key = loadKey(keyFileName, armor);
ubyte[8] nonce;
ubyte[] buf;
foreach(b; Base64.decoder(stdin.byLine).joiner.cipherFunction(key, nonce, cipher))
foreach(b; stdin.byChunk(chunkSize).joiner.cipherFunction(key, nonce, cipher))
void generateKey(bool armor)
auto rng = Random();
auto randomDevice = File(randomDeviceName, "r");
scope(exit) randomDevice.close();
uint[1] seed;
ubyte[32] key;
foreach (ref b; key)
b = uniform!ubyte(rng);
ubyte[32] loadKey(string filename, bool armor)
auto keyFile = File(filename, "r");
ubyte[32] key;
ubyte[] tempKey;
foreach(line; keyFile.byLine)
tempKey ~= Base64.decode(line);
key = tempKey;
return key;

source/app.d Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
import std.getopt;
import std.string : format;
import std.stdio: stderr, writeln;
import cipher : Cipher;
import actions;
int main(string[] args)
bool[string] actions = [ "genKey" : false,
"encrypt" : false,
"decrypt" : false ];
Cipher cipher = Cipher.chacha20;
string keyFileName = "symkey.asc";
bool armor;
auto helpInformation = getopt(
"gen-key|g", "Generate a new 256 bit key.", &actions["genKey"],
"encrypt|e", "Encrypt a message.", &actions["encrypt"],
"decrypt|d", "Decrypt a message.", &actions["decrypt"],
"cipher|c", "The cipher to use (default: %s).".format(cipher), &cipher,
"key|k", "The file which contains the key (default: %s).".format(keyFileName), &keyFileName,
"armor|a", "use ascii-armored I/O.", &armor);
size_t numberOfActions;
foreach(value; actions.values)
numberOfActions += value;
if(numberOfActions == 1)
else if(actions["encrypt"])
encrypt(keyFileName, cipher, armor);
else if(actions["decrypt"])
decrypt(keyFileName, cipher, armor);
catch(Exception e)
return 1;
helpInformation.helpWanted = true;
defaultGetoptPrinter("Usage: mycrypt [options]\n\nCommon options:",
defaultGetoptPrinter("\nGlobal options:",
defaultGetoptPrinter("\nAction options:",
return 0;

source/chacha20.d Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
module chacha20;
private import std.traits : isUnsigned;
private import std.string : format;
private import std.range : isInputRange, isForwardRange, ElementType;
private import std.bitmanip : nativeToLittleEndian, littleEndianToNative;
private import std.array;
// TODO: Create unittests!!!!
auto chacha20Cipher(R)(R range, ubyte[32] key, ubyte[8] nonce)
if(isInputRange!R && is(ElementType!R : ubyte))
static struct rangeResult
ubyte[32] key;
ubyte[8] nonce;
ulong count;
R range;
ubyte[] salsaSection;
this(R range, in ubyte[32] key, in ubyte[8] nonce)
this.range = range;
this.key = key;
this.nonce = nonce;
this.count = 0;
salsaSection = salsa20Exp(key, nonce ~ littleEndianInv(count));
bool empty() @property
return range.empty || (count == ulong.max && salsaSection.empty);
ubyte front() @property
return range.front ^ salsaSection.front;
void popFront()
salsaSection = salsa20Exp(key, nonce ~ littleEndianInv(count));
static if(isForwardRange!R)
auto save() @property
rangeResult copy;
copy.range =;
copy.key = key.dup;
copy.nonce = nonce.dup;
copy.count = count;
copy.salsaSection = salsaSection.dup;
return copy;
return rangeResult(range, key, nonce);
UIntType rotateLeft(UIntType)(in UIntType val, in size_t len) nothrow @nogc pure
auto reducedLen = len % (8 * UIntType.sizeof);
// TODO: ensure the compiler does not create different code paths here
return cast(UIntType)((val << reducedLen) | (val >> (8 * UIntType.sizeof - reducedLen)));
enum string quarterRound(alias _x0, alias _x1, alias _x2, alias _x3) = q{
%1$s += %2$s; %4$s ^= %1$s; %4$s = rotateLeft(%4$s, 16);
%3$s += %4$s; %2$s ^= %3$s; %2$s = rotateLeft(%2$s, 12);
%1$s += %2$s; %4$s ^= %1$s; %4$s = rotateLeft(%4$s, 8);
%3$s += %4$s; %2$s ^= %3$s; %2$s = rotateLeft(%2$s, 7);
}.format(__traits(identifier, _x0), __traits(identifier, _x1),
__traits(identifier, _x2), __traits(identifier, _x3));
uint a1 = 0x00000000, a2 = 0x00000000, a3 = 0x00000000, a4 = 0x00000000,
b1 = 0x00000001, b2 = 0x00000000, b3 = 0x00000000, b4 = 0x00000000,
c1 = 0x00000000, c2 = 0x00000001, c3 = 0x00000000, c4 = 0x00000000,
d1 = 0x00000000, d2 = 0x00000000, d3 = 0x00000001, d4 = 0x00000000,
e1 = 0x00000000, e2 = 0x00000000, e3 = 0x00000000, e4 = 0x00000001,
f1 = 0xe7e8c006, f2 = 0xc4f9417d, f3 = 0x6479b4b2, f4 = 0x68c67137,
g1 = 0xd3917c5b, g2 = 0x55f1c407, g3 = 0x52a58a7a, g4 = 0x8f887a3b;
mixin(quarterRound!(a1, a2, a3, a4));
mixin(quarterRound!(b1, b2, b3, b4));
mixin(quarterRound!(c1, c2, c3, c4));
mixin(quarterRound!(d1, d2, d3, d4));
mixin(quarterRound!(e1, e2, e3, e4));
mixin(quarterRound!(f1, f2, f3, f4));
mixin(quarterRound!(g1, g2, g3, g4));
assert([a1, a2, a3, a4] == [0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000]);
assert([b1, b2, b3, b4] == [0x08008145, 0x00000080, 0x00010200, 0x20500000]);
assert([c1, c2, c3, c4] == [0x88000100, 0x00000001, 0x00000200, 0x00402000]);
assert([d1, d2, d3, d4] == [0x80040000, 0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x00002000]);
assert([e1, e2, e3, e4] == [0x00048044, 0x00000080, 0x00010000, 0x20100001]);
assert([f1, f2, f3, f4] == [0xe876d72b, 0x9361dfd5, 0xf1460244, 0x948541a3]);
assert([g1, g2, g3, g4] == [0x3e2f308c, 0xd90a8f36, 0x6ab2a923, 0x2883524c]);
enum string rowRound(alias _x00, alias _x01, alias _x02, alias _x03,
alias _x04, alias _x05, alias _x06, alias _x07,
alias _x08, alias _x09, alias _x10, alias _x11,
alias _x12, alias _x13, alias _x14, alias _x15,) = q{
mixin(quarterRound!(%1$s, %6$s, %11$s, %16$s));
mixin(quarterRound!(%2$s, %7$s, %12$s, %13$s));
mixin(quarterRound!(%3$s, %8$s, %9$s, %14$s));
mixin(quarterRound!(%4$s, %5$s, %10$s, %15$s));
}.format(__traits(identifier, _x00), __traits(identifier, _x01),
__traits(identifier, _x02), __traits(identifier, _x03),
__traits(identifier, _x04), __traits(identifier, _x05),
__traits(identifier, _x06), __traits(identifier, _x07),
__traits(identifier, _x08), __traits(identifier, _x09),
__traits(identifier, _x10), __traits(identifier, _x11),
__traits(identifier, _x12), __traits(identifier, _x13),
__traits(identifier, _x14), __traits(identifier, _x15));
uint y00 = 0x00000001, y01 = 0x00000000, y02 = 0x00000000, y03 = 0x00000000,
y04 = 0x00000001, y05 = 0x00000000, y06 = 0x00000000, y07 = 0x00000000,
y08 = 0x00000001, y09 = 0x00000000, y10 = 0x00000000, y11 = 0x00000000,
y12 = 0x00000001, y13 = 0x00000000, y14 = 0x00000000, y15 = 0x00000000;
uint x00 = 0x08521bd6, x01 = 0x1fe88837, x02 = 0xbb2aa576, x03 = 0x3aa26365,
x04 = 0xc54c6a5b, x05 = 0x2fc74c2f, x06 = 0x6dd39cc3, x07 = 0xda0a64f6,
x08 = 0x90a2f23d, x09 = 0x067f95a6, x10 = 0x06b35f61, x11 = 0x41e4732e,
x12 = 0xe859c100, x13 = 0xea4d84b7, x14 = 0x0f619bff, x15 = 0xbc6e965a;
mixin(rowRound!(y00, y01, y02, y03, y04, y05, y06, y07,
y08, y09, y10, y11, y12, y13, y14, y15));
mixin(rowRound!(x00, x01, x02, x03, x04, x05, x06, x07,
x08, x09, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15));
uint[] test0 = [y00, y01, y02, y03, y04, y05, y06, y07,
y08, y09, y10, y11, y12, y13, y14, y15];
uint[] test1 = [x00, x01, x02, x03, x04, x05, x06, x07,
x08, x09, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15];
assert(test0 == [0x08008145, 0x00000080, 0x00010200, 0x20500000,
0x20100001, 0x00048044, 0x00000080, 0x00010000,
0x00000001, 0x00002000, 0x80040000, 0x00000000,
0x00000001, 0x00000200, 0x00402000, 0x88000100]);
assert(test1 == [0xa890d39d, 0x65d71596, 0xe9487daa, 0xc8ca6a86,
0x949d2192, 0x764b7754, 0xe408d9b9, 0x7a41b4d1,
0x3402e183, 0x3c3af432, 0x50669f96, 0xd89ef0a8,
0x0040ede5, 0xb545fbce, 0xd257ed4f, 0x1818882d]);
enum string colRound(alias _x00, alias _x01, alias _x02, alias _x03,
alias _x04, alias _x05, alias _x06, alias _x07,
alias _x08, alias _x09, alias _x10, alias _x11,
alias _x12, alias _x13, alias _x14, alias _x15,) = q{
mixin(quarterRound!(%1$s, %5$s, %9$s, %13$s));
mixin(quarterRound!(%2$s, %6$s, %10$s, %14$s));
mixin(quarterRound!(%3$s, %7$s, %11$s, %15$s));
mixin(quarterRound!(%4$s, %8$s, %12$s, %16$s));
}.format(__traits(identifier, _x00), __traits(identifier, _x01),
__traits(identifier, _x02), __traits(identifier, _x03),
__traits(identifier, _x04), __traits(identifier, _x05),
__traits(identifier, _x06), __traits(identifier, _x07),
__traits(identifier, _x08), __traits(identifier, _x09),
__traits(identifier, _x10), __traits(identifier, _x11),
__traits(identifier, _x12), __traits(identifier, _x13),
__traits(identifier, _x14), __traits(identifier, _x15));
uint y00 = 0x00000001, y01 = 0x00000000, y02 = 0x00000000, y03 = 0x00000000,
y04 = 0x00000001, y05 = 0x00000000, y06 = 0x00000000, y07 = 0x00000000,
y08 = 0x00000001, y09 = 0x00000000, y10 = 0x00000000, y11 = 0x00000000,
y12 = 0x00000001, y13 = 0x00000000, y14 = 0x00000000, y15 = 0x00000000;
uint x00 = 0x08521bd6, x01 = 0x1fe88837, x02 = 0xbb2aa576, x03 = 0x3aa26365,
x04 = 0xc54c6a5b, x05 = 0x2fc74c2f, x06 = 0x6dd39cc3, x07 = 0xda0a64f6,
x08 = 0x90a2f23d, x09 = 0x067f95a6, x10 = 0x06b35f61, x11 = 0x41e4732e,
x12 = 0xe859c100, x13 = 0xea4d84b7, x14 = 0x0f619bff, x15 = 0xbc6e965a;
mixin(colRound!(y00, y01, y02, y03, y04, y05, y06, y07,
y08, y09, y10, y11, y12, y13, y14, y15));
mixin(colRound!(x00, x01, x02, x03, x04, x05, x06, x07,
x08, x09, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15));
uint[] test0 = [y00, y01, y02, y03, y04, y05, y06, y07,
y08, y09, y10, y11, y12, y13, y14, y15];
uint[] test1 = [x00, x01, x02, x03, x04, x05, x06, x07,
x08, x09, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15];
assert(test0 == [0x10090288, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0x00000101, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0x00020401, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0x40a04001, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000]);
assert(test1 == [0x8c9d190a, 0xce8e4c90, 0x1ef8e9d3, 0x1326a71a,
0x90a20123, 0xead3c4f3, 0x63a091a0, 0xf0708d69,
0x789b010c, 0xd195a681, 0xeb7d5504, 0xa774135c,
0x481c2027, 0x53a8e4b5, 0x4c1f89c5, 0x3f78c9c8]);
alias littleEndianInv = nativeToLittleEndian;
uint littleEndian(in ubyte[] input)
assert(input.length == uint.sizeof);
ubyte buf[uint.sizeof] = input;
return littleEndianToNative!uint(buf);
ubyte[] test0 = [0, 0, 0, 0];
ubyte[] test1 = [86, 75, 30, 9];
ubyte[] test2 = [255, 255, 255, 250];
assert(littleEndian(test0) == 0x00000000);
assert(littleEndian(test1) == 0x091e4b56);
assert(littleEndian(test2) == 0xfaffffff);
ubyte[] chacha20(in ubyte[] input)
assert(input.length == 64);
assert(result.length == 64);
auto x00 = littleEndian(input[0..4]), x01 = littleEndian(input[4..8]),
x02 = littleEndian(input[8..12]), x03 = littleEndian(input[12..16]),
x04 = littleEndian(input[16..20]), x05 = littleEndian(input[20..24]),
x06 = littleEndian(input[24..28]), x07 = littleEndian(input[28..32]),
x08 = littleEndian(input[32..36]), x09 = littleEndian(input[36..40]),
x10 = littleEndian(input[40..44]), x11 = littleEndian(input[44..48]),
x12 = littleEndian(input[48..52]), x13 = littleEndian(input[52..56]),
x14 = littleEndian(input[56..60]), x15 = littleEndian(input[60..64]);
auto y00 = x00, y01 = x01, y02 = x02, y03 = x03,
y04 = x04, y05 = x05, y06 = x06, y07 = x07,
y08 = x08, y09 = x09, y10 = x10, y11 = x11,
y12 = x12, y13 = x13, y14 = x14, y15 = x15;
foreach(i; 0..10)
mixin(colRound!(x00, x01, x02, x03, x04, x05, x06, x07,
x08, x09, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15));
mixin(rowRound!(x00, x01, x02, x03, x04, x05, x06, x07,
x08, x09, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15));
return littleEndianInv(x00 + y00) ~ littleEndianInv(x01 + y01) ~
littleEndianInv(x02 + y02) ~ littleEndianInv(x03 + y03) ~
littleEndianInv(x04 + y04) ~ littleEndianInv(x05 + y05) ~
littleEndianInv(x06 + y06) ~ littleEndianInv(x07 + y07) ~
littleEndianInv(x08 + y08) ~ littleEndianInv(x09 + y09) ~
littleEndianInv(x10 + y10) ~ littleEndianInv(x11 + y11) ~
littleEndianInv(x12 + y12) ~ littleEndianInv(x13 + y13) ~
littleEndianInv(x14 + y14) ~ littleEndianInv(x15 + y15);
ubyte[] test0 = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
test0 = salsa20(test0);
ubyte[] test1 = [211,159, 13,115, 76, 55, 82,183, 3,117,222, 37,191,187,234,136,
49,237,179, 48, 1,106,178,219,175,199,166, 48, 86, 16,179,207,
31,240, 32, 63, 15, 83, 93,161,116,147, 48,113,238, 55,204, 36,
79,201,235, 79, 3, 81,156, 47,203, 26,244,243, 88,118,104, 54];
test1 = salsa20(test1);
ubyte[] test2 = [ 88,118,104, 54, 79,201,235, 79, 3, 81,156, 47,203, 26,244,243,
191,187,234,136,211,159, 13,115, 76, 55, 82,183, 3,117,222, 37,
86, 16,179,207, 49,237,179, 48, 1,106,178,219,175,199,166, 48,
238, 55,204, 36, 31,240, 32, 63, 15, 83, 93,161,116,147, 48,113];
test2 = salsa20(test2);
ubyte[] test3 = [ 6,124, 83,146, 38,191, 9, 50, 4,161, 47,222,122,182,223,185,
75, 27, 0,216, 16,122, 7, 89,162,104,101,147,213, 21, 54, 95,
225,253,139,176,105,132, 23,116, 76, 41,176,207,221, 34,157,108,
94, 94, 99, 52, 90,117, 91,220,146,190,239,143,196,176,130,186];
foreach(i; 0..1000000)
test3 = salsa20(test3);
assert(test0 == [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
assert(test1 == [109, 42,178,168,156,240,248,238,168,196,190,203, 26,110,170,154,
29, 29,150, 26,150, 30,235,249,190,163,251, 48, 69,144, 51, 57,
118, 40,152,157,180, 57, 27, 94,107, 42,236, 35, 27,111,114,114,
219,236,232,135,111,155,110, 18, 24,232, 95,158,179, 19, 48,202]);
assert(test2 == [179, 19, 48,202,219,236,232,135,111,155,110, 18, 24,232, 95,158,
26,110,170,154,109, 42,178,168,156,240,248,238,168,196,190,203,
69,144, 51, 57, 29, 29,150, 26,150, 30,235,249,190,163,251, 48,
27,111,114,114,118, 40,152,157,180, 57, 27, 94,107, 42,236, 35]);
assert(test3 == [ 8, 18, 38,199,119, 76,215, 67,173,127,144,162,103,212,176,217,
192, 19,233, 33,159,197,154,160,128,243,219, 65,171,136,135,225,
123, 11, 68, 86,237, 82, 20,155,133,189, 9, 83,167,116,194, 78,
122,127,195,185,185,204,188, 90,245, 9,183,248,226, 85,245,104]);
enum ubyte[4] σ0 = [101, 120, 112, 97];
enum ubyte[4] σ1 = [110, 100, 32, 51];
enum ubyte[4] σ2 = [ 50, 45, 98, 121];
enum ubyte[4] σ3 = [116, 101, 32, 107];
ubyte[] chacha20Exp(in ubyte[] key, in ubyte[] n)
assert(key.length == 32);
assert(n.length == 16);
assert(result.length == 64);
return chacha20(σ0 ~ key[0..16] ~ σ1 ~ n ~ σ2 ~ key[16..$] ~ σ3);
ubyte[] key;
ubyte[] n;
key.length = 32;
n.length = 16;
foreach(i; 0..16)
key[i] = cast(ubyte)(i + 1);
foreach(i; 16..32)
key[i] = cast(ubyte)(i + 200 - 15);
foreach(i; 0..16)
n[i] = cast(ubyte)(i + 1+ 100);
assert(salsa20Exp(key, n) == [ 69, 37, 68, 39, 41, 15,107,193,255,139,122, 6,170,233,217, 98,
89,144,182,106, 21, 51,200, 65,239, 49,222, 34,215,114, 40,126,
104,197, 7,225,197,153, 31, 2,102, 78, 76,176, 84,245,246,184,
177,160,133,130, 6, 72,149,119,192,195,132,236,234,103,246, 74]);

source/cipher.d Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
module cipher;
private import std.range : isInputRange, ElementType;
private import salsa20;
private import chacha20;
enum Cipher {
auto cipherFunction(R)(R range, ubyte[32] key, ubyte[8] nonce, Cipher cipher)
if(isInputRange!R && is(ElementType!R : ubyte))
final switch(cipher)
case Cipher.salsa20:
return salsa20Cipher(range, key, nonce);
case Cipher.chacha20:
return salsa20Cipher(range, key, nonce);

source/salsa20.d Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
module salsa20;
private import std.traits : isUnsigned;
private import std.string : format;
private import std.range : isInputRange, isForwardRange, ElementType;
private import std.bitmanip : nativeToLittleEndian, littleEndianToNative;
private import std.array;
auto salsa20Cipher(R)(R range, ubyte[32] key, ubyte[8] nonce)
if(isInputRange!R && is(ElementType!R : ubyte))
static struct rangeResult
ubyte[32] key;
ubyte[8] nonce;
ulong count;
R range;
ubyte[] salsaSection;
this(R range, in ubyte[32] key, in ubyte[8] nonce)
this.range = range;
this.key = key;
this.nonce = nonce;
this.count = 0;
salsaSection = salsa20Exp(key, nonce ~ littleEndianInv(count));
bool empty() @property
return range.empty || (count == ulong.max && salsaSection.empty);
ubyte front() @property
return range.front ^ salsaSection.front;
void popFront()
salsaSection = salsa20Exp(key, nonce ~ littleEndianInv(count));
static if(isForwardRange!R)
auto save() @property
rangeResult copy;
copy.range =;
copy.key = key.dup;
copy.nonce = nonce.dup;
copy.count = count;
copy.salsaSection = salsaSection.dup;
return copy;
return rangeResult(range, key, nonce);
UIntType rotateLeft(UIntType)(in UIntType val, in size_t len)
auto reducedLen = len % (8 * UIntType.sizeof);
// TODO: ensure the compiler does not create different code paths here
return cast(UIntType)((val << reducedLen) | (val >> (8 * UIntType.sizeof - reducedLen)));
enum string quarterRound(alias _x0, alias _x1, alias _x2, alias _x3) = q{
%2$s ^= (%1$s + %4$s).rotateLeft(7);
%3$s ^= (%2$s + %1$s).rotateLeft(9);
%4$s ^= (%3$s + %2$s).rotateLeft(13);
%1$s ^= (%4$s + %3$s).rotateLeft(18);
}.format(__traits(identifier, _x0), __traits(identifier, _x1),
__traits(identifier, _x2), __traits(identifier, _x3));
uint a1 = 0x00000000, a2 = 0x00000000, a3 = 0x00000000, a4 = 0x00000000,
b1 = 0x00000001, b2 = 0x00000000, b3 = 0x00000000, b4 = 0x00000000,
c1 = 0x00000000, c2 = 0x00000001, c3 = 0x00000000, c4 = 0x00000000,
d1 = 0x00000000, d2 = 0x00000000, d3 = 0x00000001, d4 = 0x00000000,
e1 = 0x00000000, e2 = 0x00000000, e3 = 0x00000000, e4 = 0x00000001,
f1 = 0xe7e8c006, f2 = 0xc4f9417d, f3 = 0x6479b4b2, f4 = 0x68c67137,
g1 = 0xd3917c5b, g2 = 0x55f1c407, g3 = 0x52a58a7a, g4 = 0x8f887a3b;
mixin(quarterRound!(a1, a2, a3, a4));
mixin(quarterRound!(b1, b2, b3, b4));
mixin(quarterRound!(c1, c2, c3, c4));
mixin(quarterRound!(d1, d2, d3, d4));
mixin(quarterRound!(e1, e2, e3, e4));
mixin(quarterRound!(f1, f2, f3, f4));
mixin(quarterRound!(g1, g2, g3, g4));
assert([a1, a2, a3, a4] == [0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000]);
assert([b1, b2, b3, b4] == [0x08008145, 0x00000080, 0x00010200, 0x20500000]);
assert([c1, c2, c3, c4] == [0x88000100, 0x00000001, 0x00000200, 0x00402000]);
assert([d1, d2, d3, d4] == [0x80040000, 0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x00002000]);
assert([e1, e2, e3, e4] == [0x00048044, 0x00000080, 0x00010000, 0x20100001]);
assert([f1, f2, f3, f4] == [0xe876d72b, 0x9361dfd5, 0xf1460244, 0x948541a3]);
assert([g1, g2, g3, g4] == [0x3e2f308c, 0xd90a8f36, 0x6ab2a923, 0x2883524c]);
enum string rowRound(alias _x00, alias _x01, alias _x02, alias _x03,
alias _x04, alias _x05, alias _x06, alias _x07,
alias _x08, alias _x09, alias _x10, alias _x11,
alias _x12, alias _x13, alias _x14, alias _x15,) = q{
mixin(quarterRound!(%1$s, %2$s, %3$s, %4$s));
mixin(quarterRound!(%6$s, %7$s, %8$s, %5$s));
mixin(quarterRound!(%11$s, %12$s, %9$s, %10$s));
mixin(quarterRound!(%16$s, %13$s, %14$s, %15$s));
}.format(__traits(identifier, _x00), __traits(identifier, _x01),
__traits(identifier, _x02), __traits(identifier, _x03),
__traits(identifier, _x04), __traits(identifier, _x05),
__traits(identifier, _x06), __traits(identifier, _x07),
__traits(identifier, _x08), __traits(identifier, _x09),
__traits(identifier, _x10), __traits(identifier, _x11),
__traits(identifier, _x12), __traits(identifier, _x13),
__traits(identifier, _x14), __traits(identifier, _x15));
uint y00 = 0x00000001, y01 = 0x00000000, y02 = 0x00000000, y03 = 0x00000000,
y04 = 0x00000001, y05 = 0x00000000, y06 = 0x00000000, y07 = 0x00000000,
y08 = 0x00000001, y09 = 0x00000000, y10 = 0x00000000, y11 = 0x00000000,
y12 = 0x00000001, y13 = 0x00000000, y14 = 0x00000000, y15 = 0x00000000;
uint x00 = 0x08521bd6, x01 = 0x1fe88837, x02 = 0xbb2aa576, x03 = 0x3aa26365,
x04 = 0xc54c6a5b, x05 = 0x2fc74c2f, x06 = 0x6dd39cc3, x07 = 0xda0a64f6,
x08 = 0x90a2f23d, x09 = 0x067f95a6, x10 = 0x06b35f61, x11 = 0x41e4732e,
x12 = 0xe859c100, x13 = 0xea4d84b7, x14 = 0x0f619bff, x15 = 0xbc6e965a;
mixin(rowRound!(y00, y01, y02, y03, y04, y05, y06, y07,
y08, y09, y10, y11, y12, y13, y14, y15));
mixin(rowRound!(x00, x01, x02, x03, x04, x05, x06, x07,
x08, x09, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15));
uint[] test0 = [y00, y01, y02, y03, y04, y05, y06, y07,
y08, y09, y10, y11, y12, y13, y14, y15];
uint[] test1 = [x00, x01, x02, x03, x04, x05, x06, x07,
x08, x09, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15];
assert(test0 == [0x08008145, 0x00000080, 0x00010200, 0x20500000,
0x20100001, 0x00048044, 0x00000080, 0x00010000,
0x00000001, 0x00002000, 0x80040000, 0x00000000,
0x00000001, 0x00000200, 0x00402000, 0x88000100]);
assert(test1 == [0xa890d39d, 0x65d71596, 0xe9487daa, 0xc8ca6a86,
0x949d2192, 0x764b7754, 0xe408d9b9, 0x7a41b4d1,
0x3402e183, 0x3c3af432, 0x50669f96, 0xd89ef0a8,
0x0040ede5, 0xb545fbce, 0xd257ed4f, 0x1818882d]);
enum string colRound(alias _x00, alias _x01, alias _x02, alias _x03,
alias _x04, alias _x05, alias _x06, alias _x07,
alias _x08, alias _x09, alias _x10, alias _x11,
alias _x12, alias _x13, alias _x14, alias _x15,) = q{
mixin(quarterRound!(%1$s, %5$s, %9$s, %13$s));
mixin(quarterRound!(%6$s, %10$s, %14$s, %2$s));
mixin(quarterRound!(%11$s, %15$s, %3$s, %7$s));
mixin(quarterRound!(%16$s, %4$s, %8$s, %12$s));
}.format(__traits(identifier, _x00), __traits(identifier, _x01),
__traits(identifier, _x02), __traits(identifier, _x03),
__traits(identifier, _x04), __traits(identifier, _x05),
__traits(identifier, _x06), __traits(identifier, _x07),
__traits(identifier, _x08), __traits(identifier, _x09),
__traits(identifier, _x10), __traits(identifier, _x11),
__traits(identifier, _x12), __traits(identifier, _x13),
__traits(identifier, _x14), __traits(identifier, _x15));
uint y00 = 0x00000001, y01 = 0x00000000, y02 = 0x00000000, y03 = 0x00000000,
y04 = 0x00000001, y05 = 0x00000000, y06 = 0x00000000, y07 = 0x00000000,
y08 = 0x00000001, y09 = 0x00000000, y10 = 0x00000000, y11 = 0x00000000,
y12 = 0x00000001, y13 = 0x00000000, y14 = 0x00000000, y15 = 0x00000000;
uint x00 = 0x08521bd6, x01 = 0x1fe88837, x02 = 0xbb2aa576, x03 = 0x3aa26365,
x04 = 0xc54c6a5b, x05 = 0x2fc74c2f, x06 = 0x6dd39cc3, x07 = 0xda0a64f6,
x08 = 0x90a2f23d, x09 = 0x067f95a6, x10 = 0x06b35f61, x11 = 0x41e4732e,
x12 = 0xe859c100, x13 = 0xea4d84b7, x14 = 0x0f619bff, x15 = 0xbc6e965a;
mixin(colRound!(y00, y01, y02, y03, y04, y05, y06, y07,
y08, y09, y10, y11, y12, y13, y14, y15));
mixin(colRound!(x00, x01, x02, x03, x04, x05, x06, x07,
x08, x09, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15));
uint[] test0 = [y00, y01, y02, y03, y04, y05, y06, y07,
y08, y09, y10, y11, y12, y13, y14, y15];
uint[] test1 = [x00, x01, x02, x03, x04, x05, x06, x07,
x08, x09, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15];
assert(test0 == [0x10090288, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0x00000101, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0x00020401, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0x40a04001, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000]);
assert(test1 == [0x8c9d190a, 0xce8e4c90, 0x1ef8e9d3, 0x1326a71a,
0x90a20123, 0xead3c4f3, 0x63a091a0, 0xf0708d69,
0x789b010c, 0xd195a681, 0xeb7d5504, 0xa774135c,
0x481c2027, 0x53a8e4b5, 0x4c1f89c5, 0x3f78c9c8]);
alias littleEndianInv = nativeToLittleEndian;
uint littleEndian(in ubyte[] input)
assert(input.length == uint.sizeof);
ubyte buf[uint.sizeof] = input;
return littleEndianToNative!uint(buf);
ubyte[] test0 = [0, 0, 0, 0];
ubyte[] test1 = [86, 75, 30, 9];
ubyte[] test2 = [255, 255, 255, 250];
assert(littleEndian(test0) == 0x00000000);
assert(littleEndian(test1) == 0x091e4b56);
assert(littleEndian(test2) == 0xfaffffff);
ubyte[] salsa20(in ubyte[] input)
assert(input.length == 64);
assert(result.length == 64);
auto x00 = littleEndian(input[0..4]), x01 = littleEndian(input[4..8]),
x02 = littleEndian(input[8..12]), x03 = littleEndian(input[12..16]),
x04 = littleEndian(input[16..20]), x05 = littleEndian(input[20..24]),
x06 = littleEndian(input[24..28]), x07 = littleEndian(input[28..32]),
x08 = littleEndian(input[32..36]), x09 = littleEndian(input[36..40]),
x10 = littleEndian(input[40..44]), x11 = littleEndian(input[44..48]),
x12 = littleEndian(input[48..52]), x13 = littleEndian(input[52..56]),
x14 = littleEndian(input[56..60]), x15 = littleEndian(input[60..64]);
auto y00 = x00, y01 = x01, y02 = x02, y03 = x03,
y04 = x04, y05 = x05, y06 = x06, y07 = x07,
y08 = x08, y09 = x09, y10 = x10, y11 = x11,
y12 = x12, y13 = x13, y14 = x14, y15 = x15;
foreach(i; 0..10)
mixin(colRound!(x00, x01, x02, x03, x04, x05, x06, x07,
x08, x09, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15));
mixin(rowRound!(x00, x01, x02, x03, x04, x05, x06, x07,
x08, x09, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15));
return littleEndianInv(x00 + y00) ~ littleEndianInv(x01 + y01) ~
littleEndianInv(x02 + y02) ~ littleEndianInv(x03 + y03) ~
littleEndianInv(x04 + y04) ~ littleEndianInv(x05 + y05) ~
littleEndianInv(x06 + y06) ~ littleEndianInv(x07 + y07) ~
littleEndianInv(x08 + y08) ~ littleEndianInv(x09 + y09) ~
littleEndianInv(x10 + y10) ~ littleEndianInv(x11 + y11) ~
littleEndianInv(x12 + y12) ~ littleEndianInv(x13 + y13) ~
littleEndianInv(x14 + y14) ~ littleEndianInv(x15 + y15);
ubyte[] test0 = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
test0 = salsa20(test0);
ubyte[] test1 = [211,159, 13,115, 76, 55, 82,183, 3,117,222, 37,191,187,234,136,
49,237,179, 48, 1,106,178,219,175,199,166, 48, 86, 16,179,207,
31,240, 32, 63, 15, 83, 93,161,116,147, 48,113,238, 55,204, 36,
79,201,235, 79, 3, 81,156, 47,203, 26,244,243, 88,118,104, 54];
test1 = salsa20(test1);
ubyte[] test2 = [ 88,118,104, 54, 79,201,235, 79, 3, 81,156, 47,203, 26,244,243,
191,187,234,136,211,159, 13,115, 76, 55, 82,183, 3,117,222, 37,
86, 16,179,207, 49,237,179, 48, 1,106,178,219,175,199,166, 48,
238, 55,204, 36, 31,240, 32, 63, 15, 83, 93,161,116,147, 48,113];
test2 = salsa20(test2);
ubyte[] test3 = [ 6,124, 83,146, 38,191, 9, 50, 4,161, 47,222,122,182,223,185,
75, 27, 0,216, 16,122, 7, 89,162,104,101,147,213, 21, 54, 95,
225,253,139,176,105,132, 23,116, 76, 41,176,207,221, 34,157,108,
94, 94, 99, 52, 90,117, 91,220,146,190,239,143,196,176,130,186];
foreach(i; 0..1000000)
test3 = salsa20(test3);
assert(test0 == [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
assert(test1 == [109, 42,178,168,156,240,248,238,168,196,190,203, 26,110,170,154,
29, 29,150, 26,150, 30,235,249,190,163,251, 48, 69,144, 51, 57,
118, 40,152,157,180, 57, 27, 94,107, 42,236, 35, 27,111,114,114,
219,236,232,135,111,155,110, 18, 24,232, 95,158,179, 19, 48,202]);
assert(test2 == [179, 19, 48,202,219,236,232,135,111,155,110, 18, 24,232, 95,158,
26,110,170,154,109, 42,178,168,156,240,248,238,168,196,190,203,
69,144, 51, 57, 29, 29,150, 26,150, 30,235,249,190,163,251, 48,
27,111,114,114,118, 40,152,157,180, 57, 27, 94,107, 42,236, 35]);
assert(test3 == [ 8, 18, 38,199,119, 76,215, 67,173,127,144,162,103,212,176,217,
192, 19,233, 33,159,197,154,160,128,243,219, 65,171,136,135,225,
123, 11, 68, 86,237, 82, 20,155,133,189, 9, 83,167,116,194, 78,
122,127,195,185,185,204,188, 90,245, 9,183,248,226, 85,245,104]);
enum ubyte[4] σ0 = [101, 120, 112, 97];
enum ubyte[4] σ1 = [110, 100, 32, 51];
enum ubyte[4] σ2 = [ 50, 45, 98, 121];
enum ubyte[4] σ3 = [116, 101, 32, 107];
ubyte[] salsa20Exp(in ubyte[] key, in ubyte[] n)
assert(key.length == 32);
assert(n.length == 16);
assert(result.length == 64);
return salsa20(σ0 ~ key[0..16] ~ σ1 ~ n ~ σ2 ~ key[16..$] ~ σ3);
ubyte[] key;
ubyte[] n;
key.length = 32;
n.length = 16;
foreach(i; 0..16)
key[i] = cast(ubyte)(i + 1);
foreach(i; 16..32)
key[i] = cast(ubyte)(i + 200 - 15);
foreach(i; 0..16)
n[i] = cast(ubyte)(i + 1+ 100);
assert(salsa20Exp(key, n) == [ 69, 37, 68, 39, 41, 15,107,193,255,139,122, 6,170,233,217, 98,
89,144,182,106, 21, 51,200, 65,239, 49,222, 34,215,114, 40,126,
104,197, 7,225,197,153, 31, 2,102, 78, 76,176, 84,245,246,184,
177,160,133,130, 6, 72,149,119,192,195,132,236,234,103,246, 74]);