Attach effects to owned items #68

opened 2023-06-20 18:18:46 +02:00 by migration-script · 0 comments


As a player, I want to associate effects to owned items which can act on the actor, such that I can automate calculating the special (e.g. magical) effects of items on actor values.


One should be able to add effects like "magical armor bonus +2" to equipable items. In that way, special item boni on actor values should automatically take effect when the item is equipped (i.e. its effect is active).

As of active effects API v1, owned items cannot have effects (see ). It would be good to await the new version hoping for better support of owned items.

Acceptance criteria

  1. Effects can be added to an item from within the item sheet.
  2. The effects of an item can act on the item's actor.
  3. Some standard effects for modifying standard actor values are available:
    • attack modification (e.g. for weapon paste items)
    • defense modification (e.g. for magical rings)
    • initiative modification (e.g. for metal plate parts)
  4. The effects of an item are activated if the item is equipped and deactivated if not.
# Story As a player, I want to associate effects to owned items which can act on the actor, such that I can automate calculating the special (e.g. magical) effects of items on actor values. # Description One should be able to add effects like "magical armor bonus +2" to equipable items. In that way, special item boni on actor values should automatically take effect when the item is equipped (i.e. its effect is active). As of active effects API v1, owned items cannot have effects (see #24). It would be good to await the new version hoping for better support of owned items. # Acceptance criteria 1. Effects can be added to an item from within the item sheet. 2. The effects of an item can act on the item's actor. 3. Some standard effects for modifying standard actor values are available: - attack modification (e.g. for weapon paste items) - defense modification (e.g. for magical rings) - initiative modification (e.g. for metal plate parts) 4. The effects of an item are activated if the item is equipped and deactivated if not.
saluu was assigned by migration-script 2023-06-20 18:18:46 +02:00
saluu added the
label 2023-06-30 00:07:21 +02:00
saluu closed this issue 2023-07-09 23:20:18 +02:00
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Reference: dungeonslayers/ds4#68
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