
139 lines
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import { RollOptions } from "./roll-data";
* Separates critical hits ("Coups") from throws, that get counted with their regular value.
* @internal
* @private_remarks
* This uses an internal implementation of a `partition` method. Don't let typescript fool you, it will tell you that a partition method is available for Arrays, but that one's imported globally from foundry's declarations and not available during the test stage!
* @param {Array<number>} dice - The dice values.
* @param {RollOptions} usedOptions - Options that affect the check's behaviour.
* @returns {[Array<number>, Array<number>]} A tuple containing two arrays of dice values, the first one containing all critical hits, the second one containing all others. Both arrays are sorted descendingby value.
export function separateCriticalHits(dice: Array<number>, usedOptions: RollOptions): CritsAndNonCrits {
const [critSuccesses, otherRolls] = partition(dice, (v: number) => {
return v <= usedOptions.maxCritSucc;
}).map((a) => a.sort((r1, r2) => r2 - r1));
return [critSuccesses, otherRolls];
* Helper type to properly bind combinations of critical and non critical dice.
* @internal
type CritsAndNonCrits = [Array<number>, Array<number>];
* Partition an array into two, following a predicate.
* @param {Array<T>} input The Array to split.
* @param {(T) => boolean} predicate The predicate by which to split.
* @returns A tuple of two arrays, the first one containing all elements from `input` that matched the predicate, the second one containing those that don't.
// TODO: Move to generic utils method?
function partition<T>(input: Array<T>, predicate: (v: T) => boolean) {
return input.reduce(
(p: [Array<T>, Array<T>], cur: T) => {
if (predicate(cur)) {
} else {
return p;
[[], []],
* Calculates if a critical success should be moved to the last position in order to maximize the check's result.
* @example
* With regular dice rolling rules and a check target number of 31, the two dice 1 and 19 can get to a check result of 30.
* This method would be called as follows:
* ```
* isDiceSwapNecessary([[1], [19]], 11)
* ```
* @param {[Array<number>, Array<number>]} critsAndNonCrits the dice values thrown. It is assumed that both critical successes and other rolls are sorted descending.
* @param {number} remainingTargetValue the target value for the last dice, that is the only one that can be less than 20.
* @returns {boolean} Bool indicating whether a critical success has to be used as the last dice.
export function isDiceSwapNecessary(
[critSuccesses, otherRolls]: CritsAndNonCrits,
remainingTargetValue: number,
): boolean {
if (critSuccesses.length == 0 || otherRolls.length == 0) {
return false;
const amountOfOtherRolls = otherRolls.length;
const lastDice = otherRolls[amountOfOtherRolls - 1];
if (lastDice <= remainingTargetValue) {
return false;
return lastDice + remainingTargetValue > 20;
* Checks if the options indicate that the current check is emerging from a crit success on a roll with slaying dice.
* @internal
* @param {RollOptions} opts the roll options to check against
export function isSlayingDiceRepetition(opts: RollOptions): boolean {
return opts.useSlayingDice && opts.slayingDiceRepetition;
* Calculate the check value of an array of dice, assuming the dice should be used in order of occurence.
* @internal
* @param assignedRollResults The dice values in the order of usage.
* @param remainderTargetValue Target value for the last dice (the only one differing from `20`).
* @param rollOptions Config object containing options that change the way dice results are handled.
* @returns {number} The total check value.
export function calculateRollResult(
assignedRollResults: Array<number>,
remainderTargetValue: number,
rollOptions: RollOptions,
): number {
const numberOfDice = assignedRollResults.length;
const maxResultPerDie: Array<number> = Array(numberOfDice).fill(20);
maxResultPerDie[numberOfDice - 1] = remainderTargetValue;
const rollsAndMaxValues = zip(assignedRollResults, maxResultPerDie);
return rollsAndMaxValues
.map(([v, m]) => {
return v <= rollOptions.maxCritSucc ? [m, m] : [v, m];
.filter(([v, m]) => v <= m)
.map(([v]) => v)
.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
// TODO: Move to generic utils method?
* Zips two Arrays to an array of pairs of elements with corresponding indices. Excessive elements are dropped.
* @param {Array<T>} a1 First array to zip.
* @param {Array<U>} a2 Second array to zip.
* @typeParam T - Type of elements contained in `a1`.
* @typeParam U - Type of elements contained in `a2`.
* @returns {Array<[T,U]>} The array of pairs that had the same index in their source array.
function zip<T, U>(a1: Array<T>, a2: Array<U>): Array<[T, U]> {
if (a1.length <= a2.length) {
return a1.map((e1, i) => [e1, a2[i]]);
} else {
return a2.map((e2, i) => [a1[i], e2]);