ds4/.gitlab/issue_templates/Bug Report.md

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Your issue may already have been reported! Please search on the [issue tracker](https://git.f3l.de/dungeonslayers/ds4/-/issues) before submitting a new one.
Thanks for taking the time to fill out this bug report! In order to make it effective, please provide the following information.
# Issue Description
## Expected Behavior
(What is the behavior that you expected?)
## Current Behavior
(What is the current behavior, i.e., what happens actually?)
## Steps to Reproduce
(What are the steps to reproduce the problem?)
1. ...
2. ...
3. ...
## Context
(Please provide any additional context that might be helpful, e.g. log messages,
screenshots, videos, or exports of problematic scenes or worlds.)
# Environment Details
## Version
(Which version(s) of DS4 are you seeing the problem on?)
## Foundry VTT Version
(Which version(s) and build of Foundry VTT are you seeing the problem on?)
## Operating System
(Which operating system are you using? (Windows, OS X, Linux (which distro)))
## Browser / App
(Are you using a Browser or the native Electron application?)
## Relevant Modules
(Please list any active modules (including their versions) that you think might be relevant.)