v11-update #99

saluu merged 9 commits from v11-update into main 2023-07-09 23:20:17 +02:00
1482 changed files with 67825 additions and 79712 deletions

View file

@ -46,3 +46,32 @@ License: CC-BY-3.0
Files: assets/tokens/devin-night/* Files: assets/tokens/devin-night/*
Copyright: Devin Night, https://immortalnights.com/ Copyright: Devin Night, https://immortalnights.com/
License: LicenseRef-DevinNightTokenUsageRights License: LicenseRef-DevinNightTokenUsageRights
Files: packs/creatures/*
Copyright: 2021 Sascha Martens
2021 Johannes Loher
License: CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
Files: packs/items/*
Copyright: 2021 Johannes Loher
License: CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
Files: packs/languages-and-scripts/*
Copyright: 2021 Johannes Loher
License: CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
Files: packs/racial-abilities/*
Copyright: 2021 Johannes Loher
License: CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
Files: packs/special-creature-abilities/*
Copyright: 2021 Johannes Loher
License: CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
Files: packs/spells/*
Copyright: 2021 Sascha Martens
License: CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
Files: packs/talents/*
Copyright: 2022 Johannes Loher
License: CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0

View file

@ -59,5 +59,6 @@ steps:
group: build group: build
image: *node_image image: *node_image
commands: commands:
- export APPDATA=$(pwd)
- <<: *enable_pnpm - <<: *enable_pnpm
- pnpm build - pnpm build

View file

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ steps:
environment: environment:
NODE_ENV: production NODE_ENV: production
commands: commands:
- export APPDATA=$(pwd)
- <<: *enable_pnpm - <<: *enable_pnpm
- pnpm build - pnpm build
package: package:

View file

@ -173,11 +173,11 @@
"DS4.SpellCasterClassWizard": "Zauberer", "DS4.SpellCasterClassWizard": "Zauberer",
"DS4.SpellPrice": "Preis (Gold)", "DS4.SpellPrice": "Preis (Gold)",
"DS4.SpellPriceDescription": "Der Kaufpreis des Zauberspruchs.", "DS4.SpellPriceDescription": "Der Kaufpreis des Zauberspruchs.",
"DS4.EffectEnabled": "Aktiv", "DS4.EffectEnabled": "Eingeschaltet",
"DS4.EffectEnabledAbbr": "A", "DS4.EffectEnabledAbbr": "E",
"DS4.EffectEffectivelyEnabled": "Effektiv Aktiv (unter Betrachtung, ob ein eventuelles Quellen-Item ausgerüstet ist usw.)", "DS4.EffectActive": "Aktiv (unter Betrachtung, ob ein eventuelles Quellen-Item ausgerüstet ist usw.)",
"DS4.EffectEffectivelyEnabledAbbr": "E", "DS4.EffectActiveAbbr": "A",
"DS4.EffectLabel": "Bezeichnung", "DS4.EffectName": "Name",
"DS4.EffectSourceName": "Quelle", "DS4.EffectSourceName": "Quelle",
"DS4.EffectFactor": "Faktor (wie oft der Effekt angewendet wird)", "DS4.EffectFactor": "Faktor (wie oft der Effekt angewendet wird)",
"DS4.EffectFactorAbbr": "F", "DS4.EffectFactorAbbr": "F",
@ -267,7 +267,6 @@
"DS4.CreatureBaseInfoSizeCategory": "Größenkategorie", "DS4.CreatureBaseInfoSizeCategory": "Größenkategorie",
"DS4.CreatureBaseInfoExperiencePoints": "Erfahrungspunkte", "DS4.CreatureBaseInfoExperiencePoints": "Erfahrungspunkte",
"DS4.CreatureBaseInfoDescription": "Beschreibung", "DS4.CreatureBaseInfoDescription": "Beschreibung",
"DS4.WarningManageActiveEffectOnOwnedItem": "Das Verwalten von aktiven Effekten innerhalb eines besessen Items wird derzeit nicht unterstützt und wird in einem nachfolgenden Update hinzugefügt. Falls Sie eigentlich den auf den Aktor übertragenen Effekt verwalten wollen, können Sie dies im 'Effekte'-Tab des Aktorbogens tun.",
"DS4.WarningActorCannotOwnItem": "Der Aktor '{actorName}' vom Typ '{actorType}' kann das Item '{itemName}' vom Typ '{itemType}' nicht besitzen.", "DS4.WarningActorCannotOwnItem": "Der Aktor '{actorName}' vom Typ '{actorType}' kann das Item '{itemName}' vom Typ '{itemType}' nicht besitzen.",
"DS4.ErrorDiceCoupFumbleOverlap": "Es gibt eine Überlappung zwischen Patzern und Immersiegen.", "DS4.ErrorDiceCoupFumbleOverlap": "Es gibt eine Überlappung zwischen Patzern und Immersiegen.",
"DS4.ErrorSlayingDiceRecursionLimitExceeded": "Die maximale Rekursionstiefe für slayende Würfelwürfe wurde überschritten.", "DS4.ErrorSlayingDiceRecursionLimitExceeded": "Die maximale Rekursionstiefe für slayende Würfelwürfe wurde überschritten.",
@ -290,9 +289,10 @@
"DS4.WarningItemIsNotRollable": "Für das Item '{name}' ({id}) vom Typ '{type}' kann nicht gewürfelt werden.", "DS4.WarningItemIsNotRollable": "Für das Item '{name}' ({id}) vom Typ '{type}' kann nicht gewürfelt werden.",
"DS4.WarningMacrosCanOnlyBeCreatedForOwnedItems": "Makros können nur für besessene Items angelegt werden.", "DS4.WarningMacrosCanOnlyBeCreatedForOwnedItems": "Makros können nur für besessene Items angelegt werden.",
"DS4.WarningInvalidCheckDropped": "Eine ungültige Probe wurde auf die Hotbar gezogen.", "DS4.WarningInvalidCheckDropped": "Eine ungültige Probe wurde auf die Hotbar gezogen.",
"DS4.WarningSystemUpdateCompletedWithErrors": "Aktualisierung des DS4 Systems von Migrationsversion {currentVersion} auf {targetVersion} abgeschlossen, aber es sind Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte prüfen Sie in der Entwicklerkonsole, ob es sich um relevante Fehler handelt, oder ob sie ignoriert werden können. Insbesondere kann https://github.com/foundryvtt/foundryvtt/issues/9672 zu Fehlern führen, die ignoriert werden können.",
"DS4.InfoManuallyEnterSpellModifier": "Der korrekte Wert für den Zauberbonus '{spellModifier}' des Zaubers '{name}' muss manuell angegeben werden.", "DS4.InfoManuallyEnterSpellModifier": "Der korrekte Wert für den Zauberbonus '{spellModifier}' des Zaubers '{name}' muss manuell angegeben werden.",
"DS4.InfoSystemUpdateStart": "Aktualisiere DS4 System von Migrationsversion {currentVersion} auf {targetVersion}. Bitte haben Sie etwas Geduld, schließen Sie nicht das Spiel und fahren Sie nicht den Server herunter.", "DS4.InfoSystemUpdateStart": "Aktualisiere DS4 System von Migrationsversion {currentVersion} auf {targetVersion}. Bitte haben Sie etwas Geduld, schließen Sie nicht das Spiel und fahren Sie nicht den Server herunter.",
"DS4.InfoSystemUpdateCompleted": "Aktualisierung des DS4 Systems von Migrationsversion {currentVersion} auf {targetVersion} erfolgreich!", "DS4.InfoSystemUpdateCompletedSuccessfully": "Aktualisierung des DS4 Systems von Migrationsversion {currentVersion} auf {targetVersion} erfolgreich!",
"DS4.InfoCompendiumMigrationStart": "Aktualisiere Kompendium '{pack}' für DS4 von Migrationsversion {currentVersion} auf {targetVersion}. Bitte haben Sie etwas Geduld, schließen Sie nicht das Spiel und fahren Sie nicht den Server herunter.", "DS4.InfoCompendiumMigrationStart": "Aktualisiere Kompendium '{pack}' für DS4 von Migrationsversion {currentVersion} auf {targetVersion}. Bitte haben Sie etwas Geduld, schließen Sie nicht das Spiel und fahren Sie nicht den Server herunter.",
"DS4.InfoCompendiumMigrationCompleted": "Aktualisierung des Kompendiums '{pack}' für DS4 von Migrationsversion {currentVersion} auf {targetVersion} erfolgreich!", "DS4.InfoCompendiumMigrationCompleted": "Aktualisierung des Kompendiums '{pack}' für DS4 von Migrationsversion {currentVersion} auf {targetVersion} erfolgreich!",
"DS4.UnitRounds": "Runden", "DS4.UnitRounds": "Runden",
@ -314,10 +314,10 @@
"DS4.DialogRollOptionsDefaultTitle": "Proben-Optionen", "DS4.DialogRollOptionsDefaultTitle": "Proben-Optionen",
"DS4.ErrorUnexpectedHtmlType": "Typfehler: Erwartet wurde '{exType}', tatsächlich erhalten wurde '{realType}'.", "DS4.ErrorUnexpectedHtmlType": "Typfehler: Erwartet wurde '{exType}', tatsächlich erhalten wurde '{realType}'.",
"DS4.ErrorCouldNotFindForm": "Konnte HTML Element '{htmlElement}' nicht finden.", "DS4.ErrorCouldNotFindForm": "Konnte HTML Element '{htmlElement}' nicht finden.",
"DS4.ErrorActorDoesNotHaveItem": "Der Aktor '{actor}' hat kein Item mit der ID '{id}'.", "DS4.ErrorActorDoesNotHaveItem": "Der Aktor '{actor}' hat kein Item mit der UUID '{uuid}'.",
"DS4.ErrorUnexpectedError": "Es gab einen unerwarteten Fehler im Dungeonslayers 4 System. Für mehr Details schauen Sie bitte in die Konsole (F12).", "DS4.ErrorUnexpectedError": "Es gab einen unerwarteten Fehler im Dungeonslayers 4 System. Für mehr Details schauen Sie bitte in die Konsole (F12).",
"DS4.ErrorItemDoesNotHaveEffect": "Das Item '{item}' hat keinen Effekt mit der ID '{id}'.", "DS4.ErrorItemDoesNotHaveEffect": "Das Item '{item}' hat keinen Effekt mit der ID '{id}'.",
"DS4.ErrorActorDoesNotHaveEffect": "Der Aktor '{actor}' hat keinen Effekt mit der ID '{id}'.", "DS4.ErrorActorDoesNotHaveEffect": "Der Aktor '{actor}' hat keinen Effekt mit der UUID '{uuid}'.",
"DS4.DialogRollOptionsCheckTargetNumberLabel": "Probenwert", "DS4.DialogRollOptionsCheckTargetNumberLabel": "Probenwert",
"DS4.DialogRollOptionsCheckModifierLabel": "Modifikator", "DS4.DialogRollOptionsCheckModifierLabel": "Modifikator",
"DS4.DialogRollOptionsCheckModifierCustomLabel": "Individueller Modifikator", "DS4.DialogRollOptionsCheckModifierCustomLabel": "Individueller Modifikator",
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@
"DS4.NewLanguageName": "Neue Sprache", "DS4.NewLanguageName": "Neue Sprache",
"DS4.NewAlphabetName": "Neue Schriftzeichen", "DS4.NewAlphabetName": "Neue Schriftzeichen",
"DS4.NewSpecialCreatureAbilityName": "Neue Besondere Kreaturenfähigkeit", "DS4.NewSpecialCreatureAbilityName": "Neue Besondere Kreaturenfähigkeit",
"DS4.NewEffectLabel": "Neuer Effekt", "DS4.NewEffectName": "Neuer Effekt",
"DS4.ActiveEffectApplyToItems": "Auf Items Anwenden", "DS4.ActiveEffectApplyToItems": "Auf Items Anwenden",
"DS4.ActiveEffectItemName": "Itemname", "DS4.ActiveEffectItemName": "Itemname",

View file

@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
"DS4.CooldownDuration1D": "1 Day", "DS4.CooldownDuration1D": "1 Day",
"DS4.CooldownDurationD20D": "D20 Days", "DS4.CooldownDurationD20D": "D20 Days",
"DS4.SpellAllowsDefense": "Allows Defense", "DS4.SpellAllowsDefense": "Allows Defense",
"DS4.SpellAllowsDefenseDescription": "Ist it alowed to perform a defense check against this spell?", "DS4.SpellAllowsDefenseDescription": "Is it alowed to perform a defense check against this spell?",
"DS4.SpellMinimumLevel": "Minimum Level", "DS4.SpellMinimumLevel": "Minimum Level",
"DS4.SpellMinimumLevelDescription": "The minimum level at which a spell caster may learn the spell.", "DS4.SpellMinimumLevelDescription": "The minimum level at which a spell caster may learn the spell.",
"DS4.SpellCasterClassHealer": "Healer", "DS4.SpellCasterClassHealer": "Healer",
@ -175,9 +175,9 @@
"DS4.SpellPriceDescription": "The price to purchase the spell.", "DS4.SpellPriceDescription": "The price to purchase the spell.",
"DS4.EffectEnabled": "Enabled", "DS4.EffectEnabled": "Enabled",
"DS4.EffectEnabledAbbr": "E", "DS4.EffectEnabledAbbr": "E",
"DS4.EffectEffectivelyEnabled": "Effectively Enabled (taking into account whether a potential source item is equipped etc.)", "DS4.EffectActive": "Active (taking into account whether a potential source item is equipped etc.)",
"DS4.EffectEffectivelyEnabledAbbr": "EE", "DS4.EffectActiveAbbr": "A",
"DS4.EffectLabel": "Label", "DS4.EffectName": "Name",
"DS4.EffectSourceName": "Source", "DS4.EffectSourceName": "Source",
"DS4.EffectFactor": "Factor (the number of times the effect is being applied)", "DS4.EffectFactor": "Factor (the number of times the effect is being applied)",
"DS4.EffectFactorAbbr": "F", "DS4.EffectFactorAbbr": "F",
@ -267,7 +267,6 @@
"DS4.CreatureBaseInfoSizeCategory": "Size Category", "DS4.CreatureBaseInfoSizeCategory": "Size Category",
"DS4.CreatureBaseInfoExperiencePoints": "Experience Points", "DS4.CreatureBaseInfoExperiencePoints": "Experience Points",
"DS4.CreatureBaseInfoDescription": "Description", "DS4.CreatureBaseInfoDescription": "Description",
"DS4.WarningManageActiveEffectOnOwnedItem": "Managing Active Effects within an Owned Item is not currently supported and will be added in a subsequent update. If you actually want to manage the effect that has been transferred to the actor, you can do so in the 'Effects' tab in the actor sheet.",
"DS4.WarningActorCannotOwnItem": "The actor '{actorName}' of type '{actorType}' cannot own the item '{itemName}' of type '{itemType}'.", "DS4.WarningActorCannotOwnItem": "The actor '{actorName}' of type '{actorType}' cannot own the item '{itemName}' of type '{itemType}'.",
"DS4.ErrorDiceCoupFumbleOverlap": "There is an overlap between Fumbles and Coups.", "DS4.ErrorDiceCoupFumbleOverlap": "There is an overlap between Fumbles and Coups.",
"DS4.ErrorSlayingDiceRecursionLimitExceeded": "Maximum recursion depth for slaying dice roll exceeded.", "DS4.ErrorSlayingDiceRecursionLimitExceeded": "Maximum recursion depth for slaying dice roll exceeded.",
@ -290,9 +289,10 @@
"DS4.WarningItemIsNotRollable": "Item '{name}' ({id}) of type '{type}' is not rollable.", "DS4.WarningItemIsNotRollable": "Item '{name}' ({id}) of type '{type}' is not rollable.",
"DS4.WarningMacrosCanOnlyBeCreatedForOwnedItems": "Macros can only be created for owned items.", "DS4.WarningMacrosCanOnlyBeCreatedForOwnedItems": "Macros can only be created for owned items.",
"DS4.WarningInvalidCheckDropped": "An invalid check was dropped on the Hotbar.", "DS4.WarningInvalidCheckDropped": "An invalid check was dropped on the Hotbar.",
"DS4.WarningSystemUpdateCompletedWithErrors": "Migration of DS4 system from migration version {currentVersion} to {targetVersion} completed with errors. Please check the development console (F12) to see whether the errors have significant impact or can be ignored. In particular, https://github.com/foundryvtt/foundryvtt/issues/9672 may cause issues that simply can be ignored.",
"DS4.InfoManuallyEnterSpellModifier": "The correct value of the spell modifier '{spellModifier}' of the spell '{name}' needs to be entered by manually.", "DS4.InfoManuallyEnterSpellModifier": "The correct value of the spell modifier '{spellModifier}' of the spell '{name}' needs to be entered by manually.",
"DS4.InfoSystemUpdateStart": "Migrating DS4 system from migration version {currentVersion} to {targetVersion}. Please be patient and do not close your game or shut down your server.", "DS4.InfoSystemUpdateStart": "Migrating DS4 system from migration version {currentVersion} to {targetVersion}. Please be patient and do not close your game or shut down your server.",
"DS4.InfoSystemUpdateCompleted": "Migration of DS4 system from migration version {currentVersion} to {targetVersion} successful!", "DS4.InfoSystemUpdateCompletedSuccessfully": "Migration of DS4 system from migration version {currentVersion} to {targetVersion} successful!",
"DS4.InfoCompendiumMigrationStart": "Migrating compendium '{pack}' for DS4 from migration version {currentVersion} to {targetVersion}. Please be patient and do not close your game or shut down your server.", "DS4.InfoCompendiumMigrationStart": "Migrating compendium '{pack}' for DS4 from migration version {currentVersion} to {targetVersion}. Please be patient and do not close your game or shut down your server.",
"DS4.InfoCompendiumMigrationCompleted": "Migration of compendium '{pack}' for DS4 from migration version {currentVersion} to {targetVersion} successful!", "DS4.InfoCompendiumMigrationCompleted": "Migration of compendium '{pack}' for DS4 from migration version {currentVersion} to {targetVersion} successful!",
"DS4.UnitRounds": "Rounds", "DS4.UnitRounds": "Rounds",
@ -314,10 +314,10 @@
"DS4.DialogRollOptionsDefaultTitle": "Roll Options", "DS4.DialogRollOptionsDefaultTitle": "Roll Options",
"DS4.ErrorUnexpectedHtmlType": "Type Error: Expected '{exType}' but got '{realType}'.", "DS4.ErrorUnexpectedHtmlType": "Type Error: Expected '{exType}' but got '{realType}'.",
"DS4.ErrorCouldNotFindForm": "Could not find HTML element '{htmlElement}'.", "DS4.ErrorCouldNotFindForm": "Could not find HTML element '{htmlElement}'.",
"DS4.ErrorActorDoesNotHaveItem": "The actor '{actor}' does not have any item with the id '{id}'.", "DS4.ErrorActorDoesNotHaveItem": "The actor '{actor}' does not have any item with the UUID '{uuid}'.",
"DS4.ErrorUnexpectedError": "There was an unexpected error in the Dungeonslayers 4 system. For more details, please take a look at the console (F12).", "DS4.ErrorUnexpectedError": "There was an unexpected error in the Dungeonslayers 4 system. For more details, please take a look at the console (F12).",
"DS4.ErrorItemDoesNotHaveEffect": "The item '{item}' does not have any effect with the id '{id}'.", "DS4.ErrorItemDoesNotHaveEffect": "The item '{item}' does not have any effect with the ID '{id}'.",
"DS4.ErrorActorDoesNotHaveEffect": "The actor '{actor}' does not have any effect with the id '{id}'.", "DS4.ErrorActorDoesNotHaveEffect": "The actor '{actor}' does not have any effect with the UUID '{uuid}'.",
"DS4.DialogRollOptionsCheckTargetNumberLabel": "Check Target Number", "DS4.DialogRollOptionsCheckTargetNumberLabel": "Check Target Number",
"DS4.DialogRollOptionsCheckModifierLabel": "Modifier", "DS4.DialogRollOptionsCheckModifierLabel": "Modifier",
"DS4.DialogRollOptionsCheckModifierCustomLabel": "Custom Modifier", "DS4.DialogRollOptionsCheckModifierCustomLabel": "Custom Modifier",
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@
"DS4.NewLanguageName": "New Language", "DS4.NewLanguageName": "New Language",
"DS4.NewAlphabetName": "New Alphabet", "DS4.NewAlphabetName": "New Alphabet",
"DS4.NewSpecialCreatureAbilityName": "New Special Creature Ability", "DS4.NewSpecialCreatureAbilityName": "New Special Creature Ability",
"DS4.NewEffectLabel": "New Effect", "DS4.NewEffectName": "New Effect",
"DS4.ActiveEffectApplyToItems": "Apply to Items", "DS4.ActiveEffectApplyToItems": "Apply to Items",
"DS4.ActiveEffectItemName": "Item Name", "DS4.ActiveEffectItemName": "Item Name",

View file

@ -39,7 +39,9 @@
"type": "module", "type": "module",
"scripts": { "scripts": {
"build": "run-s clean:files build:files", "build": "run-s clean:files build:files",
"build:files": "rollup -c", "build:files": "run-p build:rollup build:packs",
"build:rollup": "rollup -c",
"build:packs": "./tools/packs.sh pack",
"watch": "rollup -c -w", "watch": "rollup -c -w",
"link-package": "node ./tools/link-package.js", "link-package": "node ./tools/link-package.js",
"clean": "run-p clean:files clean:link", "clean": "run-p clean:files clean:link",
@ -57,12 +59,12 @@
"typecheck": "tsc --noEmit", "typecheck": "tsc --noEmit",
"typecheck:watch": "tsc --noEmit --watch", "typecheck:watch": "tsc --noEmit --watch",
"bump-version": "node ./tools/bump-version.js", "bump-version": "node ./tools/bump-version.js",
"convert-packs-to-json": "node ./tools/convert-packs-to-json.js",
"changelog": "conventional-changelog -p conventionalcommits -o CHANGELOG.md -r 2" "changelog": "conventional-changelog -p conventionalcommits -o CHANGELOG.md -r 2"
}, },
"devDependencies": { "devDependencies": {
"@commitlint/cli": "17.6.6", "@commitlint/cli": "17.6.6",
"@commitlint/config-conventional": "17.6.6", "@commitlint/config-conventional": "17.6.6",
"@foundryvtt/foundryvtt-cli": "0.0.9",
"@guanghechen/rollup-plugin-copy": "5.0.1", "@guanghechen/rollup-plugin-copy": "5.0.1",
"@ironkinoko/rollup-plugin-styles": "4.0.3", "@ironkinoko/rollup-plugin-styles": "4.0.3",
"@swc/core": "1.3.68", "@swc/core": "1.3.68",
@ -81,8 +83,7 @@
"npm-run-all": "4.1.5", "npm-run-all": "4.1.5",
"prettier": "2.8.8", "prettier": "2.8.8",
"rimraf": "5.0.1", "rimraf": "5.0.1",
"rollup": "3.26.2", "rollup": "3.25.3",
"rollup-plugin-livereload": "2.0.5",
"rollup-plugin-swc3": "0.8.2", "rollup-plugin-swc3": "0.8.2",
"sass": "1.63.6", "sass": "1.63.6",
"semver": "7.5.4", "semver": "7.5.4",

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Sascha Martens
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Johannes Loher
SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0

View file

@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
"_id": "HjpxMlpyjPr3hd3r",
"name": "Adler",
"type": "creature",
"img": "systems/ds4/assets/tokens/devin-night/eagle.png",
"items": ["9vJL3lyC4RTQCZ7e", "zYQAanmjVsNytqBl", "ysyoJA3dYTu4XXvt", "k9Ng7RdfvSRN5JVW", "zUXT2ZkY12TAu5CU"],
"effects": [],
"folder": null,
"sort": 0,
"flags": {},
"system": {
"attributes": {
"body": {
"base": 3,
"mod": 0
"mobility": {
"base": 8,
"mod": 0
"mind": {
"base": 1,
"mod": 0
"traits": {
"strength": {
"base": 1,
"mod": 0
"constitution": {
"base": 0,
"mod": 0
"agility": {
"base": 3,
"mod": 0
"dexterity": {
"base": 1,
"mod": 0
"intellect": {
"base": 0,
"mod": 0
"aura": {
"base": 1,
"mod": 0
"combatValues": {
"hitPoints": {
"mod": -6,
"value": 7
"defense": {
"mod": 0
"initiative": {
"mod": 0
"movement": {
"mod": 0
"meleeAttack": {
"mod": 0
"rangedAttack": {
"mod": 0
"spellcasting": {
"mod": 0
"targetedSpellcasting": {
"mod": 0
"baseInfo": {
"loot": "Trophäe (BW 1A:11)",
"foeFactor": 1,
"creatureType": "animal",
"sizeCategory": "small",
"experiencePoints": 52,
"description": ""
"ownership": {
"default": 0
"prototypeToken": {
"flags": {},
"name": "Adler",
"displayName": 20,
"width": 1,
"height": 1,
"lockRotation": false,
"rotation": 0,
"actorLink": false,
"disposition": -1,
"displayBars": 40,
"bar1": {
"attribute": "combatValues.hitPoints"
"bar2": {
"attribute": null
"randomImg": false,
"alpha": 1,
"light": {
"alpha": 0.5,
"angle": 360,
"bright": 0,
"coloration": 1,
"dim": 0,
"luminosity": 0.5,
"saturation": 0,
"contrast": 0,
"shadows": 0,
"animation": {
"speed": 5,
"intensity": 5,
"reverse": false,
"type": null
"darkness": {
"min": 0,
"max": 1
"attenuation": 0.5,
"color": null
"texture": {
"src": "systems/ds4/assets/tokens/devin-night/eagle.png",
"scaleX": 0.7,
"scaleY": 0.7,
"offsetX": 0,
"offsetY": 0,
"rotation": 0,
"tint": null
"sight": {
"angle": 360,
"enabled": false,
"range": 0,
"brightness": 1,
"visionMode": "basic",
"color": null,
"attenuation": 0.1,
"saturation": 0,
"contrast": 0
"detectionModes": [],
"appendNumber": false,
"prependAdjective": false
"_stats": {
"systemId": "ds4",
"systemVersion": "1.19.4",
"coreVersion": "11.305",
"createdTime": 1668995346489,
"modifiedTime": 1688934880952,
"lastModifiedBy": "DS4BuildSystem00"
"_key": "!actors!HjpxMlpyjPr3hd3r"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
"_id": "ttzlBKtMWz981WF3",
"name": "Alligator",
"type": "creature",
"img": "systems/ds4/assets/tokens/devin-night/alligator-green.png",
"items": ["Z4ZEuB2l0vo2dJcK", "ACGvtQk97Udg1rih", "Buv9Nzqx0hpPPsew", "ree4HN3j8tv7b18k", "8Aq23UcNNFecGbk9"],
"effects": [],
"folder": null,
"sort": 0,
"flags": {},
"system": {
"attributes": {
"body": {
"base": 12,
"mod": 0
"mobility": {
"base": 10,
"mod": 0
"mind": {
"base": 1,
"mod": 0
"traits": {
"strength": {
"base": 2,
"mod": 0
"constitution": {
"base": 4,
"mod": 0
"agility": {
"base": 5,
"mod": 0
"dexterity": {
"base": 0,
"mod": 0
"intellect": {
"base": 0,
"mod": 0
"aura": {
"base": 0,
"mod": 0
"combatValues": {
"hitPoints": {
"mod": 52,
"value": 78
"defense": {
"mod": 0
"initiative": {
"mod": 0
"movement": {
"mod": 3
"meleeAttack": {
"mod": 0
"rangedAttack": {
"mod": 0
"spellcasting": {
"mod": 0
"targetedSpellcasting": {
"mod": 0
"baseInfo": {
"loot": "Trophäe (BW 1A:14)",
"foeFactor": 10,
"creatureType": "animal",
"sizeCategory": "large",
"experiencePoints": 151,
"description": ""
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