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Here are some small rules for contributing to this project, they may be subject to change:
Write Issues about your plans
This is useful that others can keep track and no time is wasted in doing the same twice. You may also write me a mail (oli_r@fg4f.de), then I'll do this myself.
Base your work onto the master-branch
Master may be regarded as some kind of "nightly"-branch, so usually (though not always) it contains stable code that is going to get into release.
The tips from the Pro-Git-Book come in handy here, as well as the GitLab Flow page. Do things like rebase and stash only if you're absolutely sure what you're doing, and if the code exists nowhere but on your local repo!
Early Merge-Requests
If you think you're not completely done yet, or if you are stuck at some point: do a merge-request. Merge-Requests are discussions about work, no presentation for the result.